Today, our government raised the bar in the ridiculous pursuit of wasting time. Representative Heather Wilson, R-N.M spent the better part of the morning pontificating on indecency and how the networks conspired to poison her children. Apparently, her children were bottle fed and have never had the misfortune of seeing a real live breast. I can’t begin to imagine how utterly (pardon the pun) damaged her children must now be in light of their tragic exposure to one, dark, shiny breast.
More than a few things bother me about the amount of time and effort being expended discussing a woman’s boob. A tit. A jug. A mammary. A flesh pillow. The fact that I can see more breasts by taking a walk in Washington Square Park (where a gaggle of new mothers gather to breast feed their spawn), leads me to believe that the people who work in Washington, D.C., are in fact puritans and as such, have very little to connect them with their constituents.