I’ve been on a tear lately. Music makes it easy for me to get work done and feel connected to the things I’ve left behind when I moved to Maui. I’m making a variety of music mixes with I-Tunes and would gladly share my most recent collections with anyone who wants to get into my mind for just a short while. Yeah, it’s a scary place, but with music, it’s almost like a small room with comfortable chairs.
If you don’t have I-Tunes or god forbid, an MP3 player, I could be persuaded to burn you a CD.
Right now I’m constantly playing my Desert Island Disc which is all the songs I can’t possibly live without. It was tough putting it together because I actually created it just before I moved here and was thinking that my entire CD collection wouldn’t be making the move with me due to space limitations. Fortunately, a last minute reprieve came in the form of a superduper CD case… it actually looks more like a briefcase. I just got rid of all the jewel cases and liner notes.
The Desert Island Disc has everything from Aretha Franklin to Zero 7, all placed on the disc because the music means something to me for various reasons. I’ve been listening to it a lot today and if I had a heart, it would be homesick right now.
I’d take a listen 🙂
Ooh ooh ooh! I want to hear!