Inherently Different

The One About Books I’ve Read This Year

In no particular order:
1. Everything is Eventual – Stephen King
2. The Teeth of the Tiger – Tom Clancy
3. The Five People You Meet in Heaven – Mitch Albom
4. On Writing – Stephen King
5. The Davinci Code – Dan Brown
6. Love & Death – Max Wallace & Ian Halperin
7. The Life of Pi – Yann Martel
8. 3rd Degree – James Patterson
9. Maui Revealed – Andrew Doughty & Harriet Friedman
10. The Last Juror – John Grisham
11. Wolves of the Calla: DT V – Stephen King
12. Song for Susannah: DT VI – Stephen King
13. The Dark Tower: DT VII – Stephen King
14. American Gods – Neil Gaiman
15. Monkeywrench – P.J. Tracy
16. McSweeney’s Mammoth Treasury of Thirlling Tales – Edited by Michael Chabon
17. Angels & Demons – Dan Brown
18. Eats, Shoots & Leaves: The Zero Tolerance Approach to Punctuation – Lynne Truss
18. The Bad Beginning (A Series of Unfortunate Events, Book 1) – Lemony Snicket
19. The Reptile Room (A Series of Unfortunate Events, Book 2) – Lemony Snicket
20. The Wide Window (A Series of Unfortunate Events, Book 3) – Lemony Snicket
21. The Arctic Incident (Artemis Fowl, Book 2) – Eoin Colfer
22. I Am Legend – Richard Matheson
23. The Hitchhikers Guide To The Galaxy – Douglas Adams (reread)
24. Life, The Universe & Everything – Douglas Adams (reread)
25. The Restaurant At The End of the Universe – Douglas Adams (reread)
26. So Long And Thanks for All The Fish – Douglas Adams (reread)
27. The Hobbit – JRR Tolkien
28-30. The Lord of the Rings (Fellowship, Two Towers, & Return) – JRR Tolkien
31. Man on Fire – A.J. Quinnell
32. The Gunslinger: DT I – Stephen King (reread)
33. The Drawing of the Three: DT II – Stephen King (reread)
34. The Wastelands: DT III – Stephen King (reread)
35. Wizard And Glass: : DT IV – Stephen King (reread)

There are more… I just don’t remember what they are. I think I averaged a few books per month, but not nearly as many books as I read last year. Most of these books were read for pure entertainment. How many books did you read and do you have any recommendations for the coming year?

4 thoughts on “The One About Books I’ve Read This Year”

  1. i read alot when i travel, on my last trip i read 9 or 10 books. probably 75-100 for the year. i should really sit down and think about it. im like you, i like to reread books too.

  2. Do you like Harry Potter books? Because I recommend Order of the Phoenix.

    In your list I’ve read #18, 27, and 28-30. I have #5 and will start reading it soon.

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