I think i’ll just post once per month. Well, at least that is what it seems that my posting habit has deteriorated down to. Honestly, I just needed to take some time away from posting and reading blogs. I’ve spent a good amount of time working on my new business website, transfering all my clients to the new host (dreamhost.com for those of you too lazy to read the former post about that), and other non-blog related activities.
I would imagine that I’ll begin posting semi-regularly in the coming days.
Semi-regularly huh? I’ll be sure to keep my eyes peeled then.
NO! You mean there is life oustide blogging? You are fucking with my mind!
Im glad at least one of us has a life. 🙂
Judas thats just crazy talk… Have a beer and snap back to reality. I NEED you to post once a day or I can’t go on living. If I don’t see a new post when I wake up in the mornings I just go back to bed because I know theres no way that day could POSSIBLY turn out good!
ED. NOTE: BrainGrenade is my buddy from an online game (CounterStrike) and knows me best by my screenname Judas Iscariot.. hence the “Judas thats just crazy talk.” I miss you too Brain!