There are few things that chap my ass as much as knowing that the highest grossing film of all-time is a chick flick. Don’t get me wrong, there is nothing inherently wrong with chick flicks. Just the idea that a film that is as vapid and empty as Titanic is the highest grossing film off all-time leaves a really, really bad taste in my mouth.
Unfortunately, I am unsure if The Dark Knight, which became only the second movie in Hollywood history to gross $500 million or more on Monday, has the wheels to carry it past 600 million and into history. It now stands within $100 million of toppling Titanic as the biggest-ever film at the domestic box office.
If you love me, you’ll go out and watch The Dark Knight five times in the next 7 days.
Well… Titanic definitely does not deserve the spot. An entertaining movie but not that great. Still haven’t seen The Dark Knight… I’ll do my best. 🙂
If I could I would, but it is not playing here yet:-(.
I am a chick and I hated “Titanic”, so I don’t know what that says about me except that I am a smart chick :-). I hate most of the movies that win awards, with the exception of “No Country for Old Men” which I loved beyond words.