Inherently Different

older, no wiser

I’ve been knee deep in two projects for the last week or so. If you noticed my failure to launch these last few days, that’s pretty much why. I don’t mind being busy, but sometimes, when I get really overwhelmed by work, I tend to listen to…





Today, I spent a little over six hours listening to the entire Katy Perry catalog.

I’m not kidding.


Katy Perry.

Painful, but true in ways I’m not sure I want to explore right this moment. Probably even worse is that Katy Perry doesn’t have 6 hours worth of music. She might scratch by with an hour… two tops if you listen to the dance remixes. But six hours? What was I somking? The only real saving grace, if one can be found in this situation, is that Katy Perry has a Grade A rack. I mean really, clearly a woman with such a healthy pair of lungs should be able to sing like a banshee right? Right?

Katy Perry \”Teenage Dream\”