Inherently Different

Schoolhouse Rock

As it should be: (brought to you by the lovely Dawn Olsen) You are a GRAMMAR GOD! If your mission in life is not already topreserve the English tongue, it should be.Congratulations and thank you! How grammatically sound are you? brought to you by Quizilla

Research Continued

In my search for information about the number 11 and terrorism… I give you this article. Interesting coincidence?

So Much for Research

Contrary to popular belief, before I write anything here I do some research to assure my facts are straight. I was checking sources on the Web for the significance of the month of September and the number 11 to muslim extremists. As most of you know, 11 Israeli athletes were held hostage and subsequently killed by a group known as Black September in 1972. Almost 30 years later on September 11th, Muslim extremists killed thousands when they flew two passenger jets into the Twin Towers of the World Trade Center. Recently, on March 11th, Muslim extremists detonated two bombs in Spain, killing hundreds of commuters in train stations.

So while looking for information about the significance of the number 11, I came across this thread in a forum:

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Religious Experience

I’m not big on organized religion. I believe in a higher power but I don’t believe that my beliefs should be force fed to anyone no matter how misguided I think they are.

Which is one of the reasons why I take such delight in tormenting door-to-door religious zealots. I also take pleasure in teasing street preachers… like what happened today…

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Sea Invaders

Just so we’re on the same page here, whenever I hear some misinformed fool talk or write about Israel and the Middle East they make the mistake of using the nouns “Palestine” and Palestinian”, and the phrases “Palestinian territory” and even “Israeli-occupied Palestinian territory”. Unfortunately, these terms are used without regard to historical fact and … Read more

Hypocrites on Parade

Here is another one of the many moments in which I find myself saying, “You have got to be kidding me!”

Israel on Monday night faced widespread international condemnation for its assassination of Sheikh Ahmed Yassin, the Hamas leader, as Palestinian militants vowed revenge and all-out war, reports

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To Build An Empire

I’ll admit it up front. I’m a war monger. I don’t see a problem with the US attacking Afghanistan. I don’t see a problem with the occupation of Iraq (while I do mind all the nonsense about ties to Al Qaeda and WMDs). The thing that really bothers me is the U.N. and the many countries that run away when faced by adversity.

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Write Away, Boss!

I’ve been awake since about four A.M. being a geek. For some reason, I couldn’t really sleep. I’m not tired yet but I’m sure that later today I’ll be worthless. What kept me awake was working on a piece of literary magic which I have been super secretly working on for a bit now. In … Read more


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