I make my living on the Internet. Without it, I don’t make money. I’ve had intermittant access since around December 30th and when I do have access, it’s dialup. In my opinion, anyone who still uses dialup probably sports a mullet, drives a camaro and eats at McDonalds regularly. I have an even lower opinion of people who still use AOL (which I think now stands for Another Online Loser).
I’ve been on the unfortunate end of a dialup connection the last few days and little pieces of me die each time I log in. While it is better than nothing at all, I would rather have my skin carved from my body and dipped in an alcohol bath repeatedly than to use a dialup connection for a prolonged period of time. Anyone who can do it either has the patience of Job or the intelligence of a box of rocks. right now I can’t decide which offends me more.
Who wants a GMAIL account? I have 12 to give. I’m starting to believe that gmail invitations are like herpes… just when you think you’ve gotten rid of them, you get another dose.
Your pain is my pain. Forced dial-up is what Satan’s spit is made of.
I’ve been going nuts in dialup hell since I defragged the home computer and it won’t turn on again (always special. NOT). Its been a week, and the piece of shit just won’t turn on. Grrrr.
While you can shelter your self and your children, you can only shelter them so long. But you know what the guy should do, he should packup, find some government land to move to and start a village of his own people.
“I’m starting to believe that gmail invitations are like herpes… just when you think you’ve gotten rid of them, you get another dose.”
ROFLMAO. Too funny.