At some point in time, probably a long time before I actually realized it, Halloween stopped being a kid’s holiday and became a holiday adopted by legions of emotionally stunted, self-obsessed women with very, very low self-esteem.
These women have taken what is essentially a holiday that is meant to bring out the inner-child in us all, where we can temporarily believe in ghosts, goblins and all the things that go bump in the night, and turned it into a erotic ball where they can showcase just how far they will go for attention. It’s less Halloween than Holloween. I was looking around for interesting costume ideas and 90% of the costumes for women had the word SEXY in front of them… SEXY Nurse, SEXY Vampire, SEXY Catwoman… FOR THE LOVE OF ALL THAT IS HOLY, how low does your self esteem have to be to want people to validate your appearance even on a day in which you are supposed to be someone else?
Show me a woman wearing a costume that needs the word SEXY in front of its name and I’ll show you a woman who probably isn’t and probably wouldn’t ever be considered sexy in her own right. It just screams of low self opinion and its just sad. Sad in ways that really irritate me.
I defiantly agree with this.Glad to see I am not the only one tired with what Halloween has become. I personally think my best costume was when I dressed up as a juice box 😀 I had nutrition facts and everything. It was creative and funny and just all around enjoyable. Of course now Halloween will be all about creating fun memories for my daughter, but I am so tired of those scantily clad women who let fat bulge from their sides just to try and prove some unknown point to the rest of us. (ok so my costume where I was Claire Redfield from RE was pretty sweet too) Halloween is my favorite holiday, but not just for the reason of being someone else, but because I’ve always had a good experience with this holiday.
Show me a woman wearing a costume that needs the word SEXY in front of its name and I’ll show you a woman who probably isn’t and probably wouldn’t ever be considered sexy in her own right
Good point!
I really appreciate creative costumes. Personally, I tend to learn towards traditional stuff like pirate, witch, etc. As for my kids I will help them be whatever it is they want to be for Halloween but I always get a little more excited when they want to be something scary.