me me me
snails & puppy dog tails
The problem with my web server persists despite anything that is being done by either myself or the network engineers tasked with the physical upkeep. I’m just glad that none of the monetized sites I oversee are hosted on this server. It just goes to prove the adage, “never keep all your eggs in one … Read more
It seems that this site, and others on my hosting server are all currently experiencing intermittent downtime or internal server errors. Hopefully the issue will be resolved soon.
attack of the nerds
Sites I host were affected by a what many believed was a DoS attack this past weekend. Denial of Service attacks are never fun, but I’m of the mindset that it wasn’t a DoS attack at all. I think another user with the same provider was running some scripts (maybe email spam, maybe not) that … Read more
island of angels
Not to worry. I simply wanted to test the upload path for my blog images. Seems other users were experiencing problems. Everything seems to be working as expected now.
tsunami tsunami baloney
It seems that a massive 8.0+ earthquake has occurred in Somoa and scientist believe a Tsunami may result. More later… if we don’t get wiped off the face of the planet by a rogue wave. Under normal conditions, the South shore of Maui is pretty safe. We have two islands protecting us from deep ocean … Read more
lost profit
Dang. A bunch of my posts seemed to have vanished. I tend to write ahead of time, setting the publish date on my posts in the future so I don’t have to be a slave to posting daily. Only, so far, something is amiss and my post dated pieces are not being published on time. … Read more
pedophilia and cinema
There is a great deal of debate now swirling around the arrest of Roman Polanski for a crime that has been on the books since 1978. In case you’re unfamiliar, Polanski was accused and found guilty of drugging then raping a 13 year old girl. Before he was sentenced, he left the country to avoid … Read more
hallowed evening
At some point in time, probably a long time before I actually realized it, Halloween stopped being a kid’s holiday and became a holiday adopted by legions of emotionally stunted, self-obsessed women with very, very low self-esteem. These women have taken what is essentially a holiday that is meant to bring out the inner-child in … Read more