Inherently Different

three hour tour

I caught a boat out to Molokini today to watch my friend Benja lead a group of divers around the reef. He works as a dive master, but is an amazing photographer. I think fame is just around the corner for this guy. I would show you the pictures I took, but my batteries were … Read more

outside looking in

I was walking along the beach today and I realized that I don’t nearly take advantage of living on Maui. Or actually living in Hawaii. There are so many things to do on this island that I shouldn’t ever find myself with a free moment. Alas, I am a lazy bastard and I’d much rather … Read more

methinks doth protest too much

Whenever I see someone vehemently deny something, I am suspicious. Mostly because I know that to expend so much energy denying something, even something trivial, chances are it requires a great deal of denial because you not only have to convince others, but yourself as well. This thought has been tumbling in my head for … Read more

fish on

When I was 14 up until I turned 18 I went fishing a lot. After I turned 18 my opportunities to fish tapered off, but I still managed a few days of dipping a hook in the water here and there. The last half dozen years I may have gone fishing once or twice per … Read more

absolute power

We were without power today. I think that is still by far the worse part of living here. When something goes wrong, or some kind of maintenance needs to be done, they shut stuff off completely rather than finding some other solution. Lucky there is a beach nearby.

old man & the sea

My niece turns 18 this month. I have an 18 year old niece. Some of my high school buddies have children who are in college. If nothing reminded me that I am 43, these intermittent reminders of the passing of time do the trick nicely.

tequila sunset

Let’s for a second ignore the fact that I think fame whores deserve everything they get and contemplate the accusations made by reality-tv personality Tila Tequila against NFL player Shawne Merriman. It is unfortunate that some women are able to undermine the process by making false claims. It is unfortunate that today’s society automatically assumes … Read more

no apologies

Is it bad that I find the episodes of Law & Order in which the perpetrators are killed in vicious fashion to be the most entertaining? I like it, for instance, when a racist murderer is subsequently killed in prison by members of the race he hates the most.

victim of love

I watched this really bizarre foreign film. It’s called Salò  or the 120 Days of Sodom. It is essentially a re imagining of the work of the Marquis de Sade, describing the fate of 18 Italian youths who are kidnapped by Nazis and forced to participate in a variety of depraved activities. It was pretty … Read more


I was supposed to start a fantasy football league with my brother, but I don’t think its gonna happen. I’m bummed because I had a great draft package all set up. I knew who I would pick round by round, and depending on my place in the draft order. I would have won it all … Read more