Inherently Different

The One About When Darwin Fails

I have to admit one of my guilty pleasures lately is watching Animal Planet’s King of the Jungle II. Unlike the first season in which naturalists and animal experts competed, in the second season regular joes get an opportunity to compete for the title of King of the Jungle. The idea set forth for this … Read more

The One About My Better Judgement

I watched a few segments of the VMAs tonight. I can now easily see how, forty or fifty years ago, our parents found rock and roll a bit of a mystery. I look at some of the popular music these days and I’m in awe. Not of their talent, because that is suspect, but of … Read more

Tit for Tat

Today, our government raised the bar in the ridiculous pursuit of wasting time. Representative Heather Wilson, R-N.M spent the better part of the morning pontificating on indecency and how the networks conspired to poison her children. Apparently, her children were bottle fed and have never had the misfortune of seeing a real live breast. I can’t begin to imagine how utterly (pardon the pun) damaged her children must now be in light of their tragic exposure to one, dark, shiny breast.

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Mysteries Abound

sherlockholmes.jpgThe Red Queen recently asked if I would rent some Sherlock Holmes mysteries on my Netflix account. While I’ve read Arthur Conan Doyle’s stories many times through the years, I wasn’t too interested in seeing a BBC dramatization of them but agreed. It pays to keep the Red Queen occupied you see.

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