Inherently Different

this dog’s life

Let’s say that one day, you decide that you want a dog. Being a conscientious sort, you visit a kennel and decide upon an 8 week old puppy, big brown eyes, and floppy ears, cute as can be. You take the puppy home and give it attention, love, patience and understanding. You train it, hopefully … Read more

home again home again

Well, we’re back on the mainland. I’ve just spent the last week running around San Francisco trying to stay warm. Now I’m at the Oakland Airport waiting for my flight down to San Diego, where I’ll be staying for the next few weeks while I generate some interview requests from Bay Area companies. I’m looking … Read more

leaving… on a jet plane

So the Red Queen and I are moving back to the mainland. After 5 years here on the valley isle, the move is welcomed and despised in equal measure. On the positive side, this move allows me to once again enjoy fabulous restaurants and glorious food (prepared by someone else for a change!). On the … Read more

to wit

The Red Queen and I caught David Sedaris last night at the MACC. I’ve seen him before, but his show is always different, each presentation features new or unpublished works. He’s probably among the top five American essayists and hope he continues to write (and read) for years and years to come.

cover of the rolling stone

I’m of the mindset that musical artists have a responsibility to maintain some level of separation from other musical artists. I mean, it’s ok to do a mash up or feature another artist on a song or two, but when that influence changes the landscape of one artist’s music forever? A fan has to draw the line somewhere. If I could remove any musician from history, chances are it would be Neil Young. While I know many people think he is a musical genius, I’m not one of them. To me, he is a lot more like Corky from Life Goes On with more hair and a guitar.

A long time ago, in a land far away, I discovered a rock band that was quite possibly the last great rock & roll show. They had the perfect blend of musical ability, showmanship, and social consciousness. These are the very things that turn rock stars into rock gods. Short of having some kind of urban legend attached to your name like David Bowie and Mick Jagger, it is musical genius that can set you apart from your contemporaries.

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just like you imagined

For your reading pleasure, my work in progress… Love and Death.

                                                         FADE IN:


      A heavy mist hides most of a lonely stretch of road somewhere
      in the mountains. The silence is broken by the faraway sound
      of an engine rising and fading as it shifts from gear to
      gear. The sound grows louder, more urgent until finally...

      A high performance sports car erupts sideways through the
      mist, pulling plumes of it in its back draft. The car seems
      to drift too far left and goes into a sidelong skid.

      It slides left, then right and just when we think the driver
      is regaining control of the powerful sports car, it tips,
      catching its meaty tires in the macadam and rolls over...
      side over side, bits and pieces flying from the wreckage;
      glass, metal and rubber scattering in all directions.

      After a countless number of flips, the car comes to rest
      upside down, next to a signpost that warns drivers of the
      dangerous curves next 15 miles.

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Life of Pi Coming to the Big Screen?

Could it be true? Can one of my favorite books of all-time really be translated into film? I’d think not, and while I like Ang Lee as a director, I just don’t think he has the chops to pull this tricky story off. Sure, he’s adept at pushing actors around, but as we saw with … Read more

rock & roll fantasy

Musically, I lean toward punk rock with some alternative predilections. I grew up during the heyday of hard rock (AC/DC, Led Zeppelin, etc), found my footing during the turbulent early 80s (Black Flag, Agent Orange, Suicidal Tendencies), basked in the angry 90s (Nine Inch Nails, Nirvana, etc) and now find myself appreciating all sorts of … Read more