Inherently Different

the red queen vanishes

The Red Queen takes a 3 week hiatus from Casa de la Ed starting Tuesday. Left to my own devices, I may either write a book, sleep for 3 weeks straight, or run a marathon. The sky is the limit. Though I’ve got so much work to do and my dead computer has really put … Read more

the unhappy valley

I’m not sure how many uber nerds read my blog… probably just one, and he is me, but still. I’ve been a big fan of science fiction for a long time. First book I ever read cover to cover was sci-fi and digging a little deeper, focused on robots. Writers like Robert A. Heinlein, Isaac … Read more

there will be blood

I tend to be very present focused. In fact, i can become so focused on something in the here and the now that I can ignore just about everything else. When coding, I have been known to forget to eat, sleep, and take a break so my eyes don’t bleed. Sometimes I just need to … Read more

write you c*ck$ucker!

There was a time I wrote. A lot. Somewhere along the line though I stopped writing prose and began compiling code. Perhaps I forgot that I love to write. Perhaps I forgot how it made me feel to write something worthwhile. Perhaps I forgot the reasons why. Though I have no idea how it happened, … Read more

This Is Not A Love Song: A Novel, Ch. 3

“How deep is your love?” – The Bee Gees I often laugh at the people who say, usually while holding hands and looking into each others’ eyes, that love is a full-time job. That it takes work to succeed. And often, I gaze upon them and think, “That  is patently ridiculous.” There is the common … Read more


Some families are close. Some families grow apart over time, and then reunite. Some families drift apart through a form of entropy. Others drift apart by design. My family has been drifting apart of  a number of years and the biggest reason why is that both my younger brother and I have an absolute disinterest … Read more

did the earth move for you too?

Big quake today in SoCal. So big in fact, that my normally blase attitude toward earthquakes was tested. My entire family ran outside to avoid being crushed by our collapsing house. Of course the house did not indeed collapse, but as we milled around outside, we took time to notice that while we were all … Read more

Birthday wishes

I had well over 20 messages in email and facebook today. You’d think I had friends or something.

blogs and with the designing

I’m on a pace of creating and deploying one new blog design per month! I figure since I can’t seem to motivate myself to blog more than a few times per month, maybe a new design per month will help. I’m posting most of these designs on my web development website for download.