Inherently Different

The One About Desktops

In The One Where You Control The Vertical I asked that you submit requests for images that revealed a little more about me. Toni, an early adopter if ever there was one, asks for me to reveal my desktop. Not knowing which desktop she wanted (my office, kitchen table, or physical computer), I opted to err on the side of quantity and snapped images of all three areas.

Now, keep in mind that I just moved and there are people visiting. Consequently, my office is in shambles and I’ve been doing most of my work on my trusty laptop at the kitchen table in our dining area. I sometimes work on our balcony, which looks northwest toward the West Maui Mountains. The problem with working on my balcony is that I am easily distracted and the tourists that inhabit the two vacation highrises across from the condo complex in which I live tend to get pretty nosey. If they’re not waving at me, they’re going about their business not realizing that I can see everything that they do, even if they can’t see me. Let me just say that most tourists forget to close their blinds and DO NOT look good naked.