INT. OFFICE - EARLY MORNING A MAN sits typing on his keyboard. The light from the overhead lamp flickers as if it could wink out at any moment. It does not. He stops to read what he has written and looks disgusted. He hits the DELETE key repeatedly. THE MAN Christ on a fucking cracker. Can this get anymore tedious? Ok, time for a change. The Man hits a few more keys and the words DELETE ENTIRE BLOG flash on his screen.He hits the key. THE MAN Come thursday. There will be daily content. It will be different. Inherently Different.
well, this is interesting.
You did not really delete your entire blog. Did you?
Oh and yay for new inherently different daily content!
I actually didn’t… I just deleted my former blog template which confused the hell out of most people anyway… seems clicking on the little blueish oval to the side of each post to see “more” was not clearly understood.
So I selected a new blog template and will be changing the look/feel as I get the wild hair…