Inherently Different

Eternal Movie of the Sunshine Mind

It seems everywhere I go, I’ll inevitably meet someone who claims to “really fucking” love movies. They drone on and on about this movie or that movie, but as I listen I generally come to terms with the fact that the person doesn’t truly love movies as much as they like pop culture and the … Read more

My god is better than your god

I hate proselytizing. Growing up Jehovah’s Witnesses, Mormons, Christians, and other religious fanatics would come, door to door, in our neighborhood preaching the gospel according to their God. I would practice a variety of debate techniques on these poor hapless misguided idiots. In many cases these people were ill-equipped to debate the relative merits of their … Read more


I can remember that 10 years ago today, though I had spent two days watching the news reports and seeing the video of the twin towers collapsing over and over, it dawned on me what I had witnessed on 9-11. Beyond the terrorism, beyond the grief, shock, and incomprehensible violence, I witnessed a total collapse … Read more

uber nerd incoming

I read a great deal. I enjoy all different types of books, from historical fiction to instructional manuals to science fiction to children’s literature, I don’t discriminate. One of my all time favorite authors though, is Stephen King. I really enjoy the way all his stories, no matter the subject, are all part of an … Read more

stripper poles are not athletic equipment

I have a friend. Well, not actually a friend as much as an ex-manager from when I worked at a computer company. Recently we connected via Facebook (best idea ever used for the worst possible reasons) and I found out she’s a stripper. Ok, not really a stripper, but she teaches a class called “pole … Read more


I love baseball. Always have. Probably always will. A decade or so ago, the game changed. Not in an obvious way like Jackie Robinson breaking the color barrier, but it was just as impactful. Stats that used to mean something, went out the window. Stats no one believed were worthwhile, became all important. Sabermetrics were … Read more