Inherently Different

bachman king overdrive

Stephen King has been allotted more shelf space in my personal library than any other author. More than Charles Bukowski, more than Richard Matheson, more than Douglas Adams, hell more than all these authors combined. I know that a great many critics think Stephen King’s work is crap. Steven King is aware that many critics … Read more

3 strange days

What a week. I am not sure if I have ever explained how poorly I function when I don’t have ready access to the Internet. In case I haven’t, I don’t. On Thursday evening, I lost access to the Internet. I was essentially without a broadband connection through the weekend. I did manage to find … Read more

girls on film

My long neglected photo gallery has a new album… just some random things I see often. I know that I have once again been neglecting both my image gallery as well as this blog, and I wish I had a valid reason, but truth be told, I have been more bored with myself than I … Read more

six months in a leaky boat

[xspf]_start(FALSE, ‘order=4’)[/xspf] Ok, now that I have that out of my system, onward and upward. Living in Hawaii has taken a toll on me. I once read an article about living in warm climates and how you should move before you get acclimated because it makes you soft. I thought it was hooey. But, it … Read more

of reef rash and other things

I have a bad case of reef rash. I would post a picture, but it isn’t pretty. It looks like raw hamburger that has been left in the sun. How did I get it? My shoulder scraped a reef and what would normally be a simple, small scrape, healing in a few days, has become … Read more

migration of the grey goose

The geriatrics that fly to hawaii for the winter are here! I always enjoy seeing them on the beach because unlike a great many baby boomers, these folks still enjoy getting out, socializing and living life to the fullest. I hope that I am still able/willing to shake my fat ass out to the beach … Read more

red skies at night

Large fires are rare on maui… This brush fire is in West Maui and it is currently ignoring all attempts to be put out. Interestingly enough, this is what the volcano on the Big Island looks like at night.

hawaii 78

UPDATE: I’ve adjusted some of the settingsto the slideshow and it should perform muchbetter than it did previously. If you have anyproblems, feel free to comment in this post.

here comes the rain

When we first moved to Maui, it rained. A lot. In fact, it rained like it was never going to stop for a time. And when I say it rained, I don’t mean that light, sprinkling rain you get on the mainland. I’m talking 40-days/40-nights type precipitation. It doesn’t start slowly, build up, peak, and … Read more