Inherently Different


Some families are close. Some families grow apart over time, and then reunite. Some families drift apart through a form of entropy. Others drift apart by design. My family has been drifting apart of  a number of years and the biggest reason why is that both my younger brother and I have an absolute disinterest … Read more

did the earth move for you too?

Big quake today in SoCal. So big in fact, that my normally blase attitude toward earthquakes was tested. My entire family ran outside to avoid being crushed by our collapsing house. Of course the house did not indeed collapse, but as we milled around outside, we took time to notice that while we were all … Read more

blogs and with the designing

I’m on a pace of creating and deploying one new blog design per month! I figure since I can’t seem to motivate myself to blog more than a few times per month, maybe a new design per month will help. I’m posting most of these designs on my web development website for download.

monkey and with the spanking

Finally got around to creating a favicon for this site… For anyone who has been following my blog since 1999 when I first started this here thing, the monkey should be familiar… Ahhh… the monkey diaries… could be time to break that out again.

false compassion and with the haiti

I’m pretty sure that over the course of human history, there have been a great many large scale tragedies. Natural disasters have wiped out millions all over the world. Many of those tragedies though have probably been ignored by the world at large.  Mostly because shit like that happens all the time. Sad? Yes. A … Read more

pieholes and with the shutting

I’ll admit that I am not the most compassionate person around. I’ll even admit that I’m actually very callous in terms of how I view tragedy. The indian ocean tsunami didn’t really faze me, and I’ll be perfectly honest when I say that what happened in Haiti, while sad, doesn’t drive me to change my … Read more

weirdly wonderful

I am back in San Diego (North County to be exact, in Poway) for the first time in at least a decade and it has changed enough that figuring out where everything is can be confusing at times. Still a wonderful place, but it is also weird in so much as the people seem to … Read more