Inherently Different

Truth Campaign

You know what would make me extremely happy? If honesty was a virus. If just by being around someone who was honest, you in turn, became honest. Even if you were the biggest lying sack of shit in the manure pile, ten minutes next to an honest man (or woman), would convert you, until time … Read more

Sticks & Stones…

This story, originally found through 6togo‘s always entertaining site, had me laughing. I started thinking about what it would be like to be Don Ho’s daughter… I can imagine the conversations: Guy 1: So I hear you’re dating a Ho. Guy 2: Yeah, she’s the only Ho I’ve ever found attractive. Believe me, she’s one … Read more

I’m Rick James, Bitch!

Dave Chapelle and Charlie Murphy ( Eddie’s brother) will have to find a new target to humiliate. Funk phenomena Rick James dead at 56. The original dirty ol’ bastard James had more than his fair share of problems including a stint in Folsom prison for assault, a hip replacement surgery and a stroke. Lately, Rick … Read more

Monkey See, Monkey Do

On the right you’ll discover a new list of blogs. The “barrel of monkeys” will grow in the future, but for the time being, it’s a small collection of blogs that are not only similarly named, but feature excellent writing. At the minimum, they have great links. Of particular interest should be Flying Space Monkey … Read more

Butterflies are Free!

There are tons of bugs here on Maui. More bugs than you can shake a stick at. I’ve tried. I’ve used various sticks, big and small, and the bugs have yet to be detered from surrounding me like moths to a flame, or butterflies to a flower. This picture (click on it to enlarge it) … Read more

Dumbya Dumbya Bush Part Deux

Iran joined the fight against Al Qaeda and now it begs a question. How much money has the US spent in the war on terror? I wonder if that money wouldn’t have been better used by just putting huge bounties on the heads of the Al Qaeda organization. Think about it… let’s say that the … Read more

Blue Kerry Waffles vs Dumbya Dumbya Bush

This Land is Their Land is a flash animation that presents both candidates as idiots. Probably the only piece of truth that you’ll ever see in this electoral campaign can be found within this satirical cartoon.

Hip Hop Hooray

Bill Cosby has spoken up about it. Chuck D has spoken up about it. I’m of course talking about the N-word. While everyone knows what it is, few people, even African-Americans, truly know the origin of the word or how futile any attempt to “defuse the word” is.

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When I’m bored, I go blog hopping… you know, when you just randomly choose a blog and click on one of their BlogRoll links, check out the blog and then click on one of their links? After an hour or two you end up far and away from where you started and hopefully, you’ve found … Read more

Hot In Heah!

I’ve been reading a few pro-bush blogs to see their reaction to Michael Moore’s new movie. While I don’t necessarily think that the numbers thus far are an indication of what Americans are thinking, I do think that the film should get people talking about the issues. Keep in mind that the money generated by … Read more