Inherently Different

Swing Into Action

Writing killed Remy St. James. Many people could argue that point but for all their denials, it is as true as anything else in this world. Granted, the act itself didn’t do it; unlike his wit, his prose was no where near that sharp.

Some might have an argument for placing blame on Remy’s new wife, but, as the detectives working the case were in the habit of telling anyone who would listen, the local criminalists had yet to thoroughly consider all the things that needed consideration.

The consideration should begin with the fact that his new found fame gained Remy a bit of a reputation over the course of the last few months of his miserable life. His writing could explain why he was suddenly a hit with the ladies. Remy was relatively plain and he wasn’t particularly well versed in the art of seduction but he was able to bed more than a few women who were clearly out of his league, possibly not even playing the same sport. Along with those few dispossessed women who might hold a grudge, there were a few men who might not have taken kindly to his new found sway with their wives.

His wife had recently made aware of this due to a few lipstick stained shirts and more than a few numbers scrawled on the inside of matchbook covers. While it was hard to miss bright red lipstick on a dead white shirt, matchbooks might not have been noticed if not for the fact that Remy didn’t smoke.

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Puritan, Oh Puritan

You know what chaps my ass? People who have forgotten how to laugh or people who couldn’t find the humor in a given situation without a GPS. Laughter can cure a variety of ills including something that seems to have infected a number of people in the last ten years or so — false morality.

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Valley Isle

click on image to enlarge Well, it’s 95% official so I think I can spill the beans. I’m moving to Maui on or about May 2, Red Queen in tow. I’ve spent the last few weeks mulling it over, talking to the RQ about it. No hurdles remain. Monday I will start the process of … Read more

Angel Island

Today the Red Queen and I will meander across the frigid waters of the bay to explore Angel Island… pics later. Update: click on images to enlarge The Red Queen and I caught some interesting views (none quite as entertaining as 6togo apparently did when she visited Angel Island — see comments of this post). … Read more

Smoke ‘Em If You Got ‘Em

Amelie reminded me of something with a recent post.

Sometimes, I get a feeling which is similar to having vertigo. It feels like I’m looking down at everything but it doesn’t make me dizzy. Can’t tell you why I get this feeling but sometimes it happens. Through trial and error, I’ve learned to trust that feeling more often than not, since it usually happens right before some event. While I wouldn’t go as far as calling is a psychic ability, it definitely manifests itself as a super-sensitivity to the emotions of those around me…

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Two in the Hand, One in the Bush

Say what you will about Shrub (AKA George W. Bush), but one thing you can’t reasonably accuse him of is losing focus. Take his recent comments to the press corps. The man knows a thing or two about economics.

Go West

The first time I went to hawaii in the early 80s, I was awestruck. I couldn’t believe how incredibly comfortable I felt. Granted, I was on vacation but that rarely is enough for me to let go. Oftentimes when I go on vacation, the job comes with me. I think about projects that I just finished or will be due upon my return. But while hanging out on a beach on Oahu’s North Shore, I forgot I even had a job much less had responsibilities that made a job necessary. Since that first trip, I’ve visited every island at least once, my favorite being Maui for its combination of country pace and metropolitan opportunity.

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Gain Without Pain

Tattoos are, in my estimation, more than body adornment. For the most part, they are the ultimate form of commitment. This latest fad, better known as Sleeves, is just plain dumb enough to work. I’ve got a few tats and the real cool thing about them is the process of designing (or if you’re artistically … Read more

Maybe It’s Me

Let’s go back in time, shall we? Back before Martha Stewart, back before the combustible engine, back before horse drawn carriages, back even before the dinosaurs, before flying bugs, before plants even. Lets sit here, on this sun blasted rock known as Pangea, mere yards away from a body of water that covers over 80% of the globe. A body of water that is teeming with creatures both big and small.

Lets look down into the depths and recognize that there is something making its way up to the surface. Yes, there it is, a creature on the cusp of something totally new! It looks like a fish but it isn’t quite a fish. As it breaks the surface, it seems to be tasting the same air we’re breathing. It looks this way and that, taking in this totally alien world, as if planning something big.

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