Inherently Different

The One About Crime & Punishment

I think that the US justice system is pretty flawed. In fact, it really shouldn’t be called the justice department at all, because let’s face facts… few people really get what they deserve. One of the things that bothers me most is the sheer cost of incarceration. If we take into account the total population … Read more

The One About Relationships

I know that much has been written about how men and women interact. In fact, books have been written from both sides of the skirmish line and most of them are full of shit. Whether you believe that Men are from Mars & Women are from Venus (horseshit) or that Rules exist to capture the … Read more

Dog Gone Idiots

On ABC Nightline they showed a number of dogs with behaviorial problems. Mostly anxiety disorders. A few of the professional dog trainers and animal behavior specialists opined on a few issues that might have attributed to the animals “bad” behavior. One of the causes briefly touched upon was how the owners interact with their pets. … Read more

Girl Who Cried Wolf

Audrey Seiler is, by all accounts, a typical college student. Like all college students she finds pressure to get good grades, to socialize and to find her place in a chaotic collection of individuals inside the University system. There are many things you can do to stand out and it is looking more and more as if Audrey found a way to do just that.

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Dear Edge…

I answer all my own email. Seriously. Some people believe that I make this stuff up but I’m not that creative… ask my ex-boss at ASW. Here are some recent emails and the thoughtfully direct help I gave them:

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