Inherently Different

funny thing happened on the way to the forum

So I am researching my next post (animal cruelty and animal rights activism) and I start chatting with a person who is the typical PETA zealot. It was hilarious in a sad way. The complete and saturated type of ignorance these people are crippled by boggles the mind. I will write it up tonight, but … Read more

passion without understanding, part I – recycle it again

“Seek knowledge from the cradle to the grave.” – Prophet Muhammad My life is essentially a collection of experiences and activities guided by a need for information. I like knowing things and more importantly, I like knowing when someone is talking out of their ass. Religion, politics, science… these are all disciplines that people are … Read more

365 days

I’ve been thinking a lot about the mainland. I have discussed this many times with the Red Queen. I think it is time to move back and perhaps (choke, cough, gasp) get back to working for the man. I will give myself 365 days in which to find a way to avoid the mainland. Through … Read more

A Guide To Stable Relationships

What do I know about relationships? I know what works for me… will what I do work for you? Probably, but chances are you’re going to do whatever it is you have learned to do and ignore anyone or anything that goes against what you believe to be true. If I am asked, here is … Read more

negative polarity loses to positive change

If one was to really dig through all the data, and poll all voters, I would imagine an interesting theme might rise up. The major differences between Obama’s campain and McCain’s was simply how negative McCain was and how negative McCain’s supporters were. For the most part, both campaigns based there platforms on change. Obama … Read more

internet debates: are you a special olympian?

I like to argue with people. Not because I enjoy arguments as such, but because i truly enjoy hearing why people believe what they believe. I can totally disagree with someone on any topic, but I won’t make it personal. I can even change my mind based on a person’s argument, if their evidence is … Read more

the english patient

I had a post, all nice and spell-checked. Then I read this article and now I need to include this information into what I know about evolution and how it fits with my worldview. I’m not overly concerned with the question of whether or not man has really stopped evolving. Instead, I am more interested … Read more

the saddest songs are the ones left unsung

If I was going to choose a time in my life where the person I was to become was just starting to surface, I would choose the years between 1979 and 1984. My family moved from Chula Vista, near the border between Mexico and the US, to Northern San Diego, to a place called Poway.

From 13 through 19, I lived in Poway and made friends with many people. I have always been of the mindset that those friends, the ones you make when you are finding yourself, are the ones that know you best. They have seen what you were, and if they stick around long enough, see who you become. They have the full picture and most likely, are the ones who you can’t lie to without getting called on it. The one friend that has followed me through my life to this point is my good buddy, Allen. For me, he is that guy.

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vista is crap

Ever used vista, the new Windows OS? It is the most bloated piece of shit I have ever had the misfortune of coming across. I just got my new machine (a Dell XPS) and it comes pre-loaded with that crap. It will take a while to get most of the bloatware removed. Meh… thats the … Read more

100 (more) Things About Me

The original 100 things can be found here. 100. I have not watched broadcast television (live tv) in three years (not counting charger games at the local bar). 99. From the time I was 5 until I was 38, I could probably count the number of times I have been sick on both hands. 98. … Read more