Many people jumped at the chance to defend suspected terrorist and former Intel employee, Maher “Mike” Hawash, when he was “detained” as a “material witness” by the feds. Of course, most people believed that the man they “knew” would be incapable of terrorist leanings. Then, in August, all his friends had to eat crow when Hawash was indicted and plead guilty to one of three indictments levied against him. Ahhh, nothing like a steaming pile of crow to make you wish you’d just kept your big yap shut.
Sunset Boulevard
Wow. Just finished watching the Collector’s Edition of Sunset Boulevard for the tenth time (not today, but in my life you louts!). This film is quite possibly my second favorite noir film of all-time. I’m a fan of Billy Wilder’s work and have been since I first viewed Double Indemnity when I was in grade school.
Tit for Tat
Today, our government raised the bar in the ridiculous pursuit of wasting time. Representative Heather Wilson, R-N.M spent the better part of the morning pontificating on indecency and how the networks conspired to poison her children. Apparently, her children were bottle fed and have never had the misfortune of seeing a real live breast. I can’t begin to imagine how utterly (pardon the pun) damaged her children must now be in light of their tragic exposure to one, dark, shiny breast.
Garage Band
Wow. Garage Band is fucking brilliant! It’s really too bad I don’t have an ear cause if I did, I’d be giving moby a run for his money!
Hero Myth
Killer Elite starring James Caan, The Wild Bunch, and The Getaway, are my three favorite Sam Peckinpah films. If you’re familiar with Joseph Campbell’s treatise on the hero myth, The Hero with 1000 Faces, each of these films pretty much follow it as if was a literal translation of the idea. I’m knee deep in … Read more
Couch Potato Report
If you’re not watching Chappelle Show, you’re missing out on some pretty funny stuff.
UPDATE: So I was off… Final Score: Patriots 32, Panthers 29. Man, I’m slipping.
Politics As Usual
Defective Yeti wrote a piece about the election process here in the US. It was pretty funny but accurate in a frightening way. I posted a comment about it and then someone disagreed. Then I posted again, and finally found I had convinced someone I’m not a complete idiot. Who knew I had it in me?
Last year at around this time, Tony Pierce asked the readers of his blog to choose the winner of the superbowl. I won as you can see from the upper right corner of this archived busblog entry. That’s me in the upper left corner as “The Biscuit.” This year, if I was a betting man, … Read more