Inherently Different

i, robot… you, still a loser

I was reading this article about the future of humanity. I got to thinking that immortality, or at least the flavor we’re most likely to see in the near future, is probably not a good idea. Until we can eliminate some of the common ills of being human, we probably should put the brakes on … Read more

new york state of mind

I wonder if I could live/work in New York City. It seems like a very good place for creative types, but i wonder a great deal about whether or not I wouldn’t end up in prison for killing some random cocksucker who tries to mug me. Is that bad?

blame game

I have never really understood the whole blame it on the parents deal. I mean, people who blame their parents for whatever problems they have as adults. I’d be interested in a serious conversation with someone who habitually blames their inadequacies on their parents. Anyone whom I’ve ever asked, or begun such a conversation with, … Read more

4th & 2

Stupid play calling in the final minute of the SD vs Baltimore game. I can’t believe they called a dive (running play) on 4th down, needing 2 yards for a first, with only 41 seconds on the clock. Especially when your QB threw for almost 400 yards. Weak sauce!

bee mine

The red queen was accosted by a wayward bee and now has sausage fingers. In her honor, we had jambalaya with sausage for dinner.

darkness falls

As you can see, I changed my blog design again. I was trying to create something for Halloween, but couldn’t find a spooky enough image to use as my base. After giving up on spooky, I was fiddling around with an image of a full moon as seen through the woods and thought it might … Read more


Facebook is a rather interesting social application for a number of reasons, but to me the most interesting is how people interact and what options are available when something changes the dynamic of the “friendship.” I haven’t really pursued many people for friendship. In most cases, people have contacted me and “befriended” me in this … Read more

no crybabies

I have had a number of discussions lately about crying. One recently on a blog, but others with various people over the last few months on the phone or in person. I have yet to find anyone who absolutely agrees with my position. Often they might agree on one level, but not to the degree … Read more

blue and gold

I love football, but I hate being a charger fan. It is quite possibly the worst type of relationship a grown adult can get into. You could make a case for any number of relationships being worse, but truly, the unrequited love affair that is a charger fan for the last 50 years maybe be … Read more