Inherently Different

takes one to know one

A few years back some one in hollywood picked up a graphic novel and said, “Gee, this would make an amazing film!” Ok, that probably happens a lot in hollywood, but on this particular occasion they picked up a graphic novel titled WANTED. If you’ve seen the film starring Angelina Jolie, Morgan Freeman, and James … Read more

lies, sex & videotape

I have often read news articles and blog posts from women wondering why it is so hard to convince others that they have been raped or why so many laws have been instituted to prevent rape charges from being levied privately. THIS could very well be a good example why there is such laws in … Read more

pride & prejudice & zombies

Always a sucker for a good zombie story, I’ve been reading Pride & Prejudice & Zombies lately. After reading this, and considering my stance on chick lit, I have come to realize that I can actually stomach chick lit IF it has a healthy dose of zombies. Since I have read Pride and Prejudice before … Read more

mastering the art of french cooking

The Red Queen and I caught Julie & Julia tonight at the local theater. Being a fan of cooking and Julia Child, I was happy to see it even if it is a movie based on Chick Lit. Meryl Streep is awesome as is to be expected and Stanley Tucci is perfect in the role … Read more

blow by blow

Today there was supposed to be a hurricane hitting Hawaii. As is often the case, the hurricane was downgraded to a tropical storm, then a little later, tropical depression. Weather here on Maui is not something that can be predicted, which is why I never really pay much attention to news reports that state that … Read more

about face

At one time, I was completely against Facebook. Against it for the sole reason that I figured anyone I really wanted to be in contact with from my past had as much access as I was willing to give them. Thing is, since I have gotten involved, I have been in contact with some people … Read more

the cleaner

So I am starting a cleanse. I have no plans of inspecting my “movements” for parasites and whatnot, but I do plan on following the program closely to see if a clean colon is a happy colon. While there are a great many ways to clean out your system, the more I read about the … Read more

this victim is special

I’ve been watching back to back episodes of Law & Order: SVU and while it is entertaining, I find myself wondering quite often how someone could possibly work in a “special victims unit” of any police force. How can someone do that job day in and day out and not get completely mental. I could … Read more

the invisible man

A number of years ago I dated someone who could be described as someone with the lowest self esteem any human can have and not be hospitalized. This in and of itself was bad, but toss in the fact that this person was also incredibly self-absorbed and you have a recipe for disaster. When someone … Read more

dead can dance

This movie is FILLED with so much WIN it is painful to have to wait even a moment for this thing to come out. I cannot imagine a world in which this film doesn’t sweep the Academy Awards. I mean, c’mon! Any zombie movie is worth its weight in gold, but this one… wow. I … Read more