Inherently Different

stick it in me

I was just listening to a podcast about transorbital lobotomies. It was a practice that was quite common in the US in the 50s. See,  too many people back in the 50s were having extreme mood swings and becoming too “rebellious,” so some clever dude, good old Walt Freeman to be exact, developed a procedure … Read more

something fishy this way comes

I was watching this special about fish populations and how it only takes about 2 years of human inactivity for fish populations to return to near normal. This then prompted thoughts about human population and I began wondering when scientist will recognize the fact that all humanities problems stem from overpopulation of humans. Cut out … Read more

the road less traveled

Although I live my life in such a way that regret is a foreign concept, sometimes I wonder where I would be in life had I zigged instead of zagged at certain junctures. Looking back at some key points in my time line, had I made different decisions, right this moment I could be: A … Read more

i see rich people

Back when I was in college, a few friends and I wandered around Old Town in San Diego, eating and drinking as only college kids on a break can. While we were running around, two of the girls we were with wanted to visit with a palm reader. All of them are charlatans. All of … Read more

nerd mecca

If a city smack dab in an Arabian desert is the holiest of places to 1.5 billion souls, a city smack dab in the most republican of regions very well may be mecca for legions of comic book and high concept film fans from all over the world. Comicon, which ends today, is the most … Read more


Starting August 1st, I will be writing EVERY day on this blog. In my attempt to get back into the full groove of writing consistently, I will be posting more often and worry less about relevance. Some of the posts are real life things and some will be just writing exercises to promote creativity. You … Read more

survival of the fittest

Darwinism can be summarized as a combination of five theoretical aspects: Evolution. This is the theory that the world is not constant or recently created nor perpetually cycling, but rather is steadily changing, and that organisms are transformed in time. Common descent. This is the theory that every group of organisms descended from a common … Read more

you’re a loser, baby

I have very little patience for certain things. Ok, full disclosure… I have very little patience for anything that is even remotely based on stupidity. Things that fall into the category of “new age” such as herbal remedies, crystals, shit like that. I am pretty sure those types of things exist solely to show the … Read more

the zen of ed

If there is one continuous theme that arises often in my interaction with other people, it is probably what makes me… well… me. People find it hard to believe that what they read on this blog is really how i see the world. But it is true. I really do believe the world, and everything … Read more