Inherently Different

dead reckoning

My computer is dying. I have a bunch of computers, but this one is the computer that is like that favorite pair of shoes… comfortable and well-known. I am buying a replacement on monday, but this one will be sorely missed.

too much, too soon, too late

It seems that I missed a few days. I had some posts lined up, but they weren’t even close to ready for prime time so I held them back. I have taken on two new clients in the last 72 hours and have been knee deep in prepping myself to get the jobs finished before … Read more

crazy like a fox

So I am minding my own business and I overhear a conversation between two 20-something women at Starbucks. I was doing a good job ignoring them, but then the first waspy woman said this about Megan Fox: Shrew 1: Ugh, she disgusts me. She tries to hard. She’s such a beautiful girl yet she feels … Read more

down by contact

Remember OJ? Now some Vegas prosecutor wants to make up for the travesty of justice that was his original murder trial. As O.J. Simpson‘s trial on armed robbery charges kicked off Monday in Las Vegas, the prosecutor looking to put the former football star behind bars—possibly for the rest of his life—urged the jury to … Read more

losing is an artform

Again my team loses in the closing seconds. Clearly the gods of football want San Diego to move to a new city in 2009. I didn’t even watch, but when the score went to 21-3 in favor of Denver, my brother text messaged to say simply, “Pathetic.” In other related news (news being losing), Starbucks … Read more

thoughts that kept me out of the really good colleges

Some random thoughts that have been rolling around upstairs… Why is it that women want equality, until there is a bug to kill? I am often impressed by how stupid people can be. It seems no matter how often I think, “gee, this is the dumbest mother fucker to ever walk upright!” someone comes along … Read more

private eyes

Possibly the one major boon and bane of living in the age of computers and technology is the death of the private life. Just about anyone’s life can be captured and broadcast for all to see with or without their permission. The age of the Paparazzi has begun and until someone does something to dampen … Read more

build it and they will come

So over the last 3 months I have learned how to install, configure and design Joomla-based web sites. Joomla, for those unaware, is a content management system. A content management system is ideal for sites with a lot of content or content that changes on a daily basis. I have built a complete and fully … Read more

the good, the bad, & the ugly

The good: It is another beautiful day in paradise. A balmy 80 degrees at 9:18 am. The bad: I have a lot to do, but no motivation to do any of it. Including billing my clients for work done over the last 2 months. To do the billing I have to sort through 6 dozen … Read more

gahhh… double gahhh

My auto post didn’t post last night. So, in addition to having to deal with the almost debilitating depression brought about by my team losing the opener (to a clearly NOT SHITTY nfc south team), my streak of consecutive days of posting came to an end. Eh, no worries. I will continue on as though … Read more