Inherently Different

the king of neverwas: chapter one

The light was fading and the old man hurried along the path leading to the city gates. It wasn’t safe being out after dark for anyone, but especially for someone with a great deal to lose. Unfortunately, even he wasn’t above being summoned and when the Green Lord called, you couldn’t very well ignore the … Read more

emotional rescue

Emotional Rescue Some people tend to work on emotion. Every action, every decision, every motive is controlled by their emotions. Nine times out of every ten, those decisions will be wrong. Maybe not immediately, but long term, those decisions tend to prove that making decisions when under the thrall of emotion is a bad idea. … Read more

lie to me

A study, published in the Journal of Basic and Applied Psychology, found that 60 percent of people had lied at least once during the 10-minute conversation, saying an average of 2.92 inaccurate things. In less vague terms, people lie an average of 3 times every ten minutes. I know this not because I am some … Read more

the intraweb is fun

I’ve worked with computers for a long time, long before there was a commercial application of the internet to be exact. I’ve seen my fair share of interesting things and have participated in some interesting online conversations. In all that time I’ve maybe had a handful of of people threaten to kick my ass. When … Read more

you’re a mean one

Going forward, when someone tells me that I’m mean, I’ll simply direct them to this. Comparatively speaking, I’m not THAT mean.

boo to the yah

I don’t get excited easily when it comes to my home town sports teams. I mean, sure, the chargers are a perennial playoff team, the padres have made consistent pushes deep into october a handful of times in the last 25 years, but I don’t really get too worked up because I know that San … Read more

older, no wiser

I’ve been knee deep in two projects for the last week or so. If you noticed my failure to launch these last few days, that’s pretty much why. I don’t mind being busy, but sometimes, when I get really overwhelmed by work, I tend to listen to…

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stay away from the light

When I was in high school, most of my friends, and all of my acquaintances were a good deal like me. While they weren’t nearly as mean, they definitely found a great deal of fun to be had this side of the good book. Most, if not all, had broken at least 7 of the … Read more

tough as woodpecker lips*

I don’t watch much TV… well, I do catch entire seasons of TV shows on DVD. Today though I was watching the Discovery Channel when I came across the most amazing TV show ever. Man Woman Wild In case you’re unaware, this reality series is essentially a man and woman survival team. The man is … Read more

don’t call it a come back… yet

Kiss I’m all for comebacks. When Tom Jones covered Prince’s Kiss years ago, he hadn’t been a relevant part of the music scene for decades. That song brought him back and introduced him to an entirely new audience. I’m of the mindset that Tiger Woods will also find himself back on top in the near … Read more