Inherently Different

variations on a theme

I grew up in Southern California. For much of that time we lived in rural areas and fire flies were an infrequent surprise. The few times that we did see them flittering about, it was magical. This theme is in honor of the few times we did have an opportunity to see them come out … Read more

bringing down the horse

Nobody’s Listening I used to dig into the news every day when I woke up. Whether it was pouring over the newspaper with a cup of coffee, or perusing the news sites on the web with a cup of coffee, I always kept on top of the latest local, national, sports, and political news. On … Read more

craving caffeine

Black Coffee When I was younger, I had absolutely no problem partaking in a variety of risky pursuits. Whether it was repelling off 400′ high pedestrian bridges, drinking until I pass out, or smoking enough to put a medicine man in a coma, I really didn’t think much about the consequences. As I got older, … Read more

it’s beginning to feel a lot like 1938

I was wondering why it took so long for the mass media to discover how many people who buy into the whole TEA PARTY agenda are actually racist. Unfortunately, the public shaming of one of their leaders simply drives the racists back underground… or into Arizona & Nevada where racism is part of their state … Read more

the only exception

I’m not a sappy guy. Hell, I haven’t even shed a tear that wasn’t prompted by nearly severing an appendage in almost 30 years, but I do actually like some sappy music. Here’s a song by Paramore that I don’t mind listening to… at least today.

son set

The older I get, the harder it is for me to deal with certain things. It is hard for me to deal with unadulterated ignorance. It is hard for me to deal with vindictiveness. And it is hard for me to deal with people who act like they are 7 years old. My father oftentimes … Read more

celebrity bashing

Over the last few months I’ve noticed a trend that’s really shameful. The desire to see people of varying degrees of fame fall from grace. Tiger Woods and Mel Gibson are just two examples of an almost vicious glee people adopt when talking about the twists and turns of their lives. I’m all for making … Read more

ok, computer

Computers are essentially built to last about three years. Whether the computer breaks down or becomes obsolete, it is recommended that you replace your main computer with a new model every three years. In the last three years, I’ve replaced my computer three times. Apparently computers are NOT built to be used in the way … Read more

grow your own

When I moved back the mainland, we planted a vegetable garden. I’ve always enjoyed working in the yard, and a vegetable garden was something I’d been wanting to do for a long time. Even when we were in Hawaii for 5 years, we often discussed planting a garden when we had enough space to accommodate … Read more

the reign in spain

Anyone else take note of the dominance of the Spanish in sports recently? Between Formula One driver Fernando Alonso usurping Schumacher’s titan grip as the number one driver, to Rafael Nadal taking the Wimbledon title, and now Spain capturing the ultimate prize in the beautiful game, it seems this is Spain’s year.