Inherently Different

enjoy the silence

I was messing around with Photoshop today and figured out how to convert regular images into Sin City comic book panels. This is my best friend Greg with a big gun, just itching to unload on some thug. Photoshop is probably one of the most interesting tools you can own. I think I play around … Read more

how soon is now?

Oh man… I’ve spent the last twenty minutes just laughing my ass off… I am a web dev for a number of companies and small businesses and one of the many things they have me do is suggest domain names if they a) do not currently have a domain, b) have a business name that … Read more

everyone deserves music

As stated previously, I’ve created a mp3 music player that you can use on your blogs. Implementation is a bit tricky and until I have a few hours to customize the player in different colors, you can play with this one. If you aren’t familiar with the upload file feature on your typepad blog, shoot … Read more

shine on you crazy diamond

I’ve stated publicly that this blog would never revert to posting memes… I figure memes are best used by people who don’t have something else to write about… I always have something to write about, despite the fact that I’m posting less frequently than I used to. Of course, as the saying goes, “the best … Read more

wicked game

Buried in a short, one-page article about network TV upfronts in the June 16 issue of Rolling Stone (Desperate Networks) was a bit that most people would miss if they didn’t read as carefully as I do. It was sort of a social traffic accident, but worthy of a much bigger story if you ask … Read more

figured you out

I have many interests as you may or may not know. I’m a voracious reader and know just enough about everything to be dangerous. One of my latest areas of interest is quantum physics. One area of quantum theory that has captured my focus lately is the focus of Dr. Masaru Emoto who wrote the … Read more

love resurrection

I’m having an argument with myself. As is usually the case in such situations, I’m winning and losing at the same time. "I’m bored with these links." "Well, just delete them all. Start over." "Some of these people link me! I can’t just delete their links." "Why not? What makes you think the links on … Read more

how to be dead

I posted a comment on another blog recently and it drove a few people to visit me here. Now, I usually post comments using an email address that I created specifically for such instances. Not because I’m afraid of getting spam, but because the Internet never forgets. I still can google comments that I made … Read more

a call to apathy

Did I mention that I would no longer censor myself? Perhaps I should have also mentioned that I would take that particular show on the road and not censor my comments on my favorite blogs… too late, I guess. Sorry I caused a ruckus on your blog Limey… I’m pretty sure at least one of … Read more

all the love in the world

As hard as it is to believe, sometimes being outside, even on Maui, isn’t a good idea. The sun hangs over your head like a guillotine just waiting for you to stick your neck out. At those times, you find indoor pursuits that offer relief from the heat and the tourists. A good place to … Read more