Inherently Different


The Red Queen is blogging, though I can’t actually link to her blog quite yet. Apparently, my shameless pursuit of attention hasn’t rubbed off on her anywhere near as much as I had anticipated. I built the blog for her almost a year and a half ago because she would come home from work with … Read more

sat sri kal

The Red Queen found another Indian food restaurant today. I understand that it has only been open for about three days and if the number of people who were eating nearby is any indication, they’re gonna do really well. Maui doesn’t have a lot of great restaurants. Well, at least I don’t think so. I … Read more

the story of me… so far, pt 2

I haven’t spoken to my mother since about 1986. To this day, my mother is an enigma to me. I understand less about her than I do complete strangers. That isn’t do say I don’t recognize batshit crazy. I do, I really do. No, the thing is I don’t really know why she is the … Read more

the story of me… so far

I was born in Mexico in 1966 while my parents were visiting my grandparents. It was the first time my parents had been back since they had emigrated to America. Even though I weighed upwards of 12 lbs when I was born, it was a relatively simple birth from all accounts. It would be the … Read more

of zombies and men

After reading Pride and Prejudice and Zombies, I have to admit that simply adding zombies to a classic piece of literature is not nearly enough to make it entertaining. Up until this particular book, I really, really thought that adding zombies to anything would make it full of “teh awesome!” It doesn’t. Not really. It … Read more

me me me me me

I posted a recent picture on facebook and people are coming out of the woodwork to comment. What gives? Did people actually think I got old AND fat? Does a picture revealing the fact that I am not exactly either cause my friends, both old and new, to feel the need to comment?

why can’t we be friends

Perhaps some of you have noticed my rather sparse blog roll over there on the right. Really there are only two “blogs” on that list (6togo and Frankly Speaking) and the others are just random links I have enjoy reading. 6togo is someone I know from real life and Frankly Speaking is written by a … Read more

black in back

I’ve always been on the mindset that to actively seek equality, one has to dismiss all the apparatus used to attain it when you finally achieve it. This goes along with my recent post about women who want equality but continually request that the bar be lowered so they can achieve it. This belief doesn’t … Read more

throw down

Music has always been a major inspiration for me. I like all kinds of music, but clearly my tastes run toward punk and metal with some industrial thrown in for good measure. If I’m writing, chances are I am listening to something dark and heavy such as Nine Inch Nails or Prodigy. When I am … Read more

funny for fun’s sake

A couple of days ago, I was talking to a friend of mine about one of my favorite topics, me. It seems that while this blog shares insight into who I am and what I believe, it does little to dispell the rumor that I was raised by wolves and ate my siblings upon exiting … Read more