Inherently Different

kick is up and its…

GOOOD! I will be away from my computer for most of the morning overdosing on NFL Football and eating breakfast (hey! It’s a six hour time difference with the east coast (game time is 7 am maui time)  and it’s a 3 hour time difference with the west coast (game time is 10 am maui … Read more

it’s not you, it’s me!

I don’t know how to bring this up, but I’ll just say it. Like pulling off a bandaid, maybe it’s better to get it over with… fast… quick… almost painless. Maybe you haven’t noticed, maybe you have. I have been posting every day. Sometimes the post is meaty… sometimes its skin and bone, but at … Read more

how to raise…

A dog: Everything on a schedule. From feeding to potty, training is as simple as setting a schedule, keeping it, and then letting the dog’s nature kick in. Easy. A child: Everything on a schedule. From feeding to potty, training is a simple as setting a schedule, keeping it, and then letting the kid’s nature … Read more

i bet i can quit gambling

This is like a holiday week for me. More so than the week that the dark knight came out, although that was better than Christmas, Halloween, and Thanksgiving combined. No, this is the week leading up to the start of the NFL season. Like last year, my favorite team (and it should be yours unless … Read more

in the mighty jungle

The hardest part of being me is being patient with people. While I have a great many faults, my biggest is expecting other people to be as quick and concise as I when telling a story or relating an experience. Perhaps my training as a writer should make me much more prone to meandering from … Read more

sink the titanic

There are few things that chap my ass as much as knowing that the highest grossing film of all-time is a chick flick. Don’t get me wrong, there is nothing inherently wrong with chick flicks. Just the idea that a film that is as vapid and empty as Titanic is the highest grossing film off … Read more

taking it under advisement

I have always been an emotional tampon. When friends and acquaintances have problems, they dump their problems on me and often ask my advice. Of the hundreds of times I have been asked for advice, I can count the number of times they have followed through and used that advice to solve their problems on … Read more

death is only the beginning

I am sure most families have members who cause problems. Whether its through action or inaction, some people just float through life causing problems of various kinds. I would imagine some do it out of spite, others through no fault of their own. They just seem to be followed by problems I suppose. The worst … Read more