Inherently Different

hannibal’s book of death

There is rumors that Bush wants to INCREASE the number of troops in Iraq rather than bow to the political pressure at home and abroad to withdraw completely. At the risk of giving the impression that I’m a fan of G-Dub, let me say that I think if winning the war is important, a total … Read more

what i know to be true

In life, you will meet two types of people. I know, I know… you will undoubtedly claim that you can’t be pigeon-holed, but the god’s honest truth is, you can. Most people are not that complex and I can probably figure someone out in less than an hour of face to face conversation. This is … Read more

everything counts

Depending on who you ask, the civilian death toll in the first two years of the Iraq war might be 100,000, 194,000, or 1,000. The latest issue of U.S. News & World Report has an editorial (Fun With Numbers, August 1, 2005) that tries to ascertain the validity of statistics that are gathered by groups … Read more

boss of me

I don’t think there is a longtime blogger who, at one time or another, hasn’t experienced at least one person who posts a comment that belittles the blogger for their perceptions, beliefs, or understanding. These particular comments are usually on a post that either hits on a topic “too close to home” and makes them … Read more

new gold dream

There are people of privilege in this world and as much as I would like it to be different, that is a cold, hard fact of life. When my father finally divorced my mother, my family’s economic situation became less than ideal, but long before that, I knew that we were not people of privilege. … Read more

smells like teen spirit

I don’t believe in telling anyone what they should and shouldn’t do or should and shouldn’t believe in. For instance, vegetarians. They’re nuttier than a box of granola, but I wouldn’t tell them that they shouldn’t believe the silly idea that eating vegetables exclusively is better than a balanced diet including meat. They, vegetarians, should … Read more

who am I?

I don’t hold anything sacred. Seriously. Nothing immediately comes to mind that I’d get offended by. Everyone has opinions and even if those opinions differ greatly from what I believe, I won’t think less of you or get angry at you because you disagree with my position. I can have a heated discussion/argument about religion, … Read more

boulevard of broken dreams

There is a great article in the April 7 issue of Rolling Stone, The End of Oil, which I strongly suggest should be read by anyone who owns/drives a car. I get into a number of discussions with treehuggers every now and again about the fact that there is no such thing as a free … Read more

in the waiting line

The pale light from the window above my bed tried valiantly to banish the shadows that filled the corners of the room, but never quite succeeded. I didn’t mind the shadows much. It gave me a place to hide. I learned to love the shadows in my room, especially when there were strangers in my … Read more

don’t go chasing waterfalls

There was light dancing on the ceiling that fine February morning. I stayed in bed watching it flash there like the bellies of fish schooling in the deep ocean of the blue bedroom I shared with my younger brother. The day held promise for many reasons, the least of which was that it was the … Read more