Inherently Different


Best show on television bar none. I’ve been watching a lot of shows on Hulu or Netflix for the last 3 months or so (mostly because I have just about watched every damn movie released since 1943. Not having a television over the last 4 years, I’ve missed a lot… still missing a lot I … Read more

sunset v 100

Sure, you’ve seen one sunset, you’ve seen them all. But this sunset is an HDR sunset! Playing around with my camera today. I really should post up more pictures. I’ve taken a ton and haven’t done much of anything with them. At least uploading them to my flicker account seems reasonable.

seven ways to sunday

It has been variously reported that humans use only 10% of their brains. Depending on who you listen to, that 10% statement started life as a misquote of Albert Einstein OR as a misinterpretation of Pierre Flourens work in the 1800s. Of course, I know this cannot be true. I know this simply because I … Read more


Few things make me laugh as much as when some journalist roflpwns a blowhard… We could all learn a thing or two from Roger Ebert. “Bill, I am concerned that you have been losing touch with reality recently. Did you really say you are more powerful than any politician? That reminds me of the famous … Read more

death becomes her

Someone sent me a message via facebook about Jade Goody. My first thought was, “who the fuck is Jade Goody, and why should I give a rat’s ass?” Then, upon further review and some internet detective work I realized my first reaction should have been, “Who gives a fuck?” The thing about life is, no … Read more

homo crudelis

I think everyone has lived, at one time or another, under the misguided idea that they are special. That they were different than others and were destined for great things. It is a common fantasy when we are growing up… call it the “Harry Potter” syndrome. For women, it is the princess fantasy or worse, … Read more

rationale vs sanity

I’ve been thinking a great deal about humanity… the things that make us human as it were. For most people, humanity is was separates us from the animals. Duh! you say… The thing is, humans are not born with the emotional and mental tools necessary for “humanity” or kindness or compassion. We have to learn humanity at an early age, left to our instincts, man (and woman) would be only slightly better than animals. I find it oddly comforting that most people completely disagree with this because their brains cannot process certain truths.

For instance… sanity. What is it? How is it measured? What does it really mean?

Lets look at it another way…

A man goes for a walk. On his walk he encounters a man who begins to berate him for wearing a sweater vest. In response the man in the sweater vest beats the man to death with a brick he picks up from the ground. When he is finished bashing this mans brains in, he continues on his walk without any thought to his previous actions.

Which man is insane and which man is sane?

Culturally, we have rules that prevent responding to external experiences violently. Call it the “civil” part of civilization. The idea that disputes can be handled without resorting to our base instincts. Instinctually though, as the previous thought suggests, human beings respond to all stimulus in one of two ways… fight or flight. Civilization is really another way of saying domestication. That domestication is the product of hundreds of years of culturally forced rules (or morals) that are meant to make people more likely to be controlled, often times by weaker, less intelligent people.

Click on READ MORE to see a video that proves my point that there is no such thing as a selfless act… or at least shows how funny Friends was back in the day…

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I’m dying. Ok, well… I am sick and feel like death warmed over so to pass the time as I cough my lungs up, I’m watching The Office on netflix. Funny show, but not in the typical haha funny that is popular on television. No, this is more like the kind of funny that makes … Read more

who watches the watchers

In 1986 DC comics published a 12 issue limited series called Watchmen. Being a huge fan of comics in general, this series completely destroyed everything I thought I knew about the concept of super heroes. The gritty, noir-like tale was a major hit and struck a chord with fans and critics. One thing though… unlike … Read more

rock on

dear internets, I am sorry to say that I am cheesed off at you Internets. Why is it that no one has ever told me how funny 30 rock is? Even though I am now catching up by watching all the episodes via Netflix instant watch, I now know that I can’t trust you to … Read more