Inherently Different

Help Me, Help You

I’m doing research for an article about internet fraud. If you have a disposable email addy (other than the one I am sending this to) and want to help me with my research, please copy and paste this email addy into your web browswer: and follow the directions of the website. Please use a … Read more


I believe in a few socially irresponsible ideas. It has, on occasion, gotten me into trouble with a few of my more liberal, tree-hugging friends. 1. I believe Greenpeace is a terrorist organization. 2. I believe that recycling is bad for the environment. 3. I believe that most weekend-environmentalists are inherently stupid. 4. I believe … Read more

Random Thoughts

Who actually believes that we are winning the war on terrorism? Who ever actually believed there were WMD in Iraq? Who ever believes politicians? I didn’t make as much money this month writing as I should have. Granted I spent way too much time fuckerooning around, what with the Red Queen arriving and both of … Read more

Sad Day in Mudville

Today the Red Queen and I went on a hike up into the lush rain forests on the Northside of Maui with some friends of ours . We meandered around a stream that winds its way down from the cloud forest above the Iao Valley. I managed to ramble over slippery rocks and muddy banks … Read more

Constant Reader

I’m not sure what most people make of my dirty habit. In fact, I’m gonna go out on a limb here (Funny, but it seems that I have a tendency to go out on a limb doesn’t it?) and say that most people are completely unaware that I read. A lot. Since I’ve been in … Read more

Wireless World

Ahhh! Nothing quite like sitting back on the couch and surfing the glorious world wide web! Now I am no longer required to schlep the mile or so to the local internet cafe and pay twenty cents per minute to access my beloved internet. It’s been tough mind you. Research for my articles has been … Read more

The Frivolity of Fanaticism

Today I went to the public library here on Maui. I’ve never used the word quaint to describe something in my life. Mostly because, well, I’ve never had occasion to use it… Until now.

The library in Kihei is small, mismanaged and rather light on decent books. In fact, I’d go as far as saying there are ghetto libraries that are better equipped to disperse reading material and information.

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American Idol

You know that American Idol contestant? Moesha? No, wait. It’s Jasmine. Yeah. Anyway, people here are nuts about her. They have articles daily in the Maui News it seems like. The thing is, I’m guessing it isn’t for any other reason other than she is a local girl. While I didn’t watch the show this … Read more

Driving Me Crazy

I haven’t driven a car consistently since 1995. I haven’t had a valid driver’s license since 1998. Since I lived on Russian Hill in San Francisco a car (and by extension) a driver’s license were pretty useless most of the time. I can’t get away without either anymore since public transportation is almost non-existant here … Read more

Whack Job

“When in Rome,” a wise man once said, “do as the Romans do!” Of course, if you’re in Hawaii, doing as the Hawaiians do could get your ass handed to you on a plate, Poi optional. It is funny. When I first moved up to the Bay Area from San Diego, it was difficult for … Read more