Inherently Different

The One Where I Would Do Things Differently

Ever sit back and wonder what you would do differently if you had the chance? I’m not much on regret as I’ve always done pretty much whatever I’ve thought best even if it wasn’t exactly what I wanted. Yet, sometimes I do wonder what or where I would be if I had turned left instead … Read more

The One About Parents

There must be some kind of weird virus that is released when a couple has a child. Seriously. Normally sane people suddenly lose their mind when under the influence of parenthood. For instance, you’re an able bodied man. Strong. Virile (obviously). Yet, the moment your child starts to throw a tantrum you suddenly become a … Read more

The One About Crime & Punishment

I think that the US justice system is pretty flawed. In fact, it really shouldn’t be called the justice department at all, because let’s face facts… few people really get what they deserve. One of the things that bothers me most is the sheer cost of incarceration. If we take into account the total population … Read more

The One About My Favorite Mistake

There are many things that can cause a man to lose interest in a young lady. Quite possibly the most common, even if he won’t admit it, is a woman’s complete lack of confidence. There are few words in the English language that can turn a hard man soft as quickly as “do you think … Read more

44 Lines About 22 People

I’ve lived in the Bay Area for 12 years and in that time I’ve met a few people who have, for good or bad, changed me significantly. For the most part, the lessons learned have strengthened me in ways that would have been impossible without their participation. As I get ready to head into a new adventure, I’d like to formally acknowledge their participation in forming the person I am today.

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A Brief History of Time

Life is rarely ever what it promises to be. As a child, outside of the incessent worrying about this shadow or that noise, the prevailing thought on a new mind is that the world is big. So big that it can’t all be taken in at once. Every turn of the head, every focus of the eyes brings to light a new object requiring attention and definition. Little minds see this vast expanse of possibility and think, �Holy shit, we�re in trouble now!�

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aww, shoot

This just goes to show you that some people shouldn’t have kids! There was a School Shooting near San Diego by some kid with a whacked sense of reality. I mean, c’mon! You need a license to drive a car but not one to have children? It’s easier for a kid to buy a gun … Read more