Inherently Different

surviving the survivors

I have written previously about survival mechanisms. Survival mechanisms are the emotions/skills/mental states/instincts that we rely on when something bad/life threatening happens. By any measure, the way we function when the survival mechanisms kick in is who we REALLY are. Most adults have waded through tragedy on the way to becoming adults. Although those tragedies … Read more

don’t be afraid of the dark

I can’t recall a time when movies were not a big part of my free time. Even as a child, going to the movies was a huge deal for me. It was both release and goal for me, which may explain why I love the medium as much as I do. I enjoy art in … Read more

sing along blog

If you do NOTHING else, and since I know that some of you do nothing, this should not tax you too heavily, watch this. Joss Whedon rules. This week I am honoring all things superhero (in case you don’t actually know/understand me, this week is like a holiday since The Dark Knight opens on July … Read more

can’t have the hop, if you don’t have the hip

Fantastic Ride – Coolio There was a time when random stuff would happen to me, and I, being good at condensing the experience into a few thousand words, would write about it here. Clearly, those days are long behind me. I really don’t know what happened. There really is only one of two explanations. I … Read more

it’s no good

It’s No Good – Depeche Mode Tonight the Red Queen and I watched 27 Dresses, the romantic comedy about a woman who was always a bridesmaid, but never a bride. In the interest of full disclosure, I have to admit the film was entertaining, and ultimately, that is the only standard by which a film … Read more

cosmo girls

Cold Play: God Put A Smile On Your Face I know that a good portion of my readership is female (based solely on the number of comments/email I receive from women). I can’t lay claim to having any understanding why that is since I think that I am about as sensitive as a concrete floor. … Read more

your lips say no, but your eyes say yes

Gorillaz: Dare There is a really good article in the May 08 issue of Esquire about saying no. How liberating and empowering it is to just say no. Saying no, for most people, does not come naturally. Some people hate to disappoint or want to be liked, so they say yes often and to their … Read more

you shook me

Bing Ji Ling: You Shook Me All Night Long Being a huge fan of AC/DC, I am often disappointed by the twaddle that passes for tribute covers of their music. Most times it’s just some tired bag of estrogen (read as celine dion) screaming at the top of her lungs hoping to appear hip/young… All … Read more

Breakfast in America

That morning, I woke up late. Even though I lived less than three blocks from school, I would be late if I didn’t hurry. It didn’t dawn on me until much later, that my mother, who usually woke me up for school was not at home. My father, who worked two jobs, wasn’t usually home … Read more

whatcha watcha want

There are few people on the planet who are as impatient with human incompetence and as unforgiving of it as I am. Give me a woman digging change out of her purse for 10 minutes just to avoid having 99 more cents weigh her handbag down and I will show you how quickly I can … Read more