Inherently Different

what exactly is this

Bloody Well Right – Super Tramp Just fooling around with the old blog… in the hope that I will actually post some shit… I have been incredibly lackadaisical about posting recently… ok, who am I kidding? Not recently, since the middle of last year… probably earlier. There was a time when I would post in … Read more

kill the white man

I think we can all agree that Reverend Jeremiah Wright is loopy on many levels. His belief that AIDS is a result of a secret government program against its own citizens pretty much cements his place in the nut house. But not everything that has come out of this mans mouth is crazy. It would be easy to lump everything together (as many Neo-cons love to do), but if you have an IQ slightly higher than that of your average head of lettuce, you can pick out truth from fantasy.

Reverend Jeremiah Wright’s now famous tirade about America’s foreign policy inciting the terrorist attacks of September 11 is interesting to me. Not because it is controversial… any intelligent person can look beyond the rhetoric and understand that the terrorist attacks on the US were the result of America’s activities on foreign shores. To deny that is akin to denying that the sky is blue or that water is wet. No, what I find interesting about the whole thing is how some people reference race and color in their commentary.

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happy zombie day

I know many of you might be surprised to discover that this day is among my favorite holidays. Mostly because it celebrates zombies. Happy return of the living dead day to you and yours. Eat more brains.

a history of violence

When I stopped working for ASW, I had all this free time on my hands. I What with no longer needing to spend two to three hours a day berating the homeless in San Francisco, I decided that it might be fun for me, and informative for you, to write the story of my life. … Read more


Trent Reznor, leader of Nine Inch Nails, has always been ahead of the curve when it comes to both making music and delivering that music to his fan base. Year Zero, his 2007 album, showcased how far his disdain for the music industry has reached… In case you missed it, he released most of it … Read more

what’s up chuck

Today is Chuck Palahniuk’s birthday. Chuck is one of my favorite authors, not only because of his unique writing skill, but he has this uncanny ability to see through the bullshit and show you things as they are, not as people wish they were. The author of Fight Club was born on this day in … Read more

bachman king overdrive

Stephen King has been allotted more shelf space in my personal library than any other author. More than Charles Bukowski, more than Richard Matheson, more than Douglas Adams, hell more than all these authors combined. I know that a great many critics think Stephen King’s work is crap. Steven King is aware that many critics … Read more

the hand that feeds

And the number ONE weird thing about me (continuing the post detailing 7 weird things about me): The human hand has 27 bones counting the bones in the wrist (there are 8 of those). Not counting the wrist, I have broken 17 of the remaining 19 bones in each hand. I have broken some of … Read more

narcissism 101

A couple of days ago, I was talking to a friend of mine about one of my favorite topics, me. It seems that while this blog shares insight into who I am and what I believe, it does little to dispel the rumor that I was raised by wolves and ate my siblings upon exiting … Read more