two tribes
Anyone who has even the slightest opinion of what is happening in the middle east should watch this.
Anyone who has even the slightest opinion of what is happening in the middle east should watch this.
The maui film festival recently ended, but not before I had a chance to take yet another in a long line of pictures of sunsets. During the festival this year, we saw two relatively interesting films. The first was I Could Never Be Your Woman and the second was La Môme, or as it is … Read more
[xspf]_start(FALSE, ‘order=13-20’)[/xspf] I am starting to collect a list of my favorite posts. On the menu in the top right of this page is a link to the best of me. Perhaps you remember something I have written that you found funny, interesting, or worth highlighting. Let me know and I will include it. I … Read more
Our society lost its way in the late 80s. We started to deify celebrity to such an extent, we began to lose focus about truly important issues. Around the same time white apologists began a campaign to “right the wrongs” of their culture by calling attention to the many injustices whites held over blacks. The … Read more
I am sure some of you will find this insulting, but people are not only lazy, but they are oftentimes stupid. Stupid because so many people are not willing to exert a little energy to verify things before they go off half-cocked into the world. Someone whom they value/appreciate says, “This is happening,” and rather … Read more
By nature I am a gambler. In fact, at one point one might say my gambling was an issue with me… not a problem, because problem denotes negative experiences. I never lost money I didn’t have. I would fluctuate from being ahead by $50k to being absolutely broke-ass. I never borrowed money, nor did I … Read more
“Yes . . . F—ING Yes!!! I LOVE MY JOB, it takes everything reckless and deviant and heathenistic (sic) and just overall bad about me and hyper focuses these traits into my job of running around this horrid place doing nasty things to people that deserve it . . . and some that don’t.” – … Read more
[xspf]_start(FALSE, ‘order=12’)[/xspf] Life is rarely ever what it promises to be. As a child, outside of the incessant worrying about this shadow or that noise, the prevailing thought on a new mind is that the world is big. So big that it can’t all be taken in at once. Every turn of the head, every … Read more
[xspf]_start(FALSE, ‘order=4’)[/xspf] Ok, now that I have that out of my system, onward and upward. Living in Hawaii has taken a toll on me. I once read an article about living in warm climates and how you should move before you get acclimated because it makes you soft. I thought it was hooey. But, it … Read more
My mother is (was? i am not sure, I haven’t spoken to her for more than 15 years) a pathelogical liar. This is a condition that I became aware of rather early. When my father would come home and she would make up stories about how my brothers and I had misbehaved to explain the … Read more