Inherently Different

up the down uppercase

i hate uppercase letters. i always have. in college, when i had to do typography projects, i would eschew uppercase letters much to the chagrin of my teachers. typography teachers love uppercase letters. so do architecture teachers since most of the labels and call outs on architectural designs are uppercase. not me though. i hate … Read more

jane says

[xspf]_start(FALSE, ‘order=5′)[/xspf] Few songs have meant as much to me as the 1988 Jane’s Addiction anthem, Jane Says. Apparently I am not the only one who likes that song. In fact, in the first six months of 2001, it was broadcast more than 12,000 times, according to Mediabase, a company that monitors radio airplay. Despite … Read more

music for the masses

Many of you are probably unaware how much music influences my daily life. I wake in the morning and before I even rub the goo out of my eyes, I have music setting the tone for the day. Most often, it is so I can generate the motivation to walk the 25 feet into my … Read more

math is for suckers

I was reading one of my favorite bloggers… Frankly Speaking, and he, being the good Republican patriot, was railing against the many people who support the bill being pass around washington of late… a bill providing new war funds while setting a timeline for the withdrawal of all U.S. combat troops from Iraq. In essence, … Read more

parent trap

Ahhh, Alec Baldwin has a set of brass balls on him. No, not for berating his pre-teen daughter in a voice mail message. But for doing something so freaking brutally honest and not thinking that it would get out to the media. Before I get to the meat of the matter, let me first say … Read more


Proving my point about IQ is the guy in my comments from the previous post. He can’t read, yet he thinks he should be able to own a gun… tsk tsk. It is people like this winner that make it difficult to have a differing viewpoint… not because we disagree, but because they can’t be … Read more

for whom the gun tolls

I won’t comment on the VT shootings. What I can say on the subject won’t ease the pain nor offer solutions on how to prevent such tragedies from occurring in the future. I don’t believe gun control laws would prevent someone from killing large groups of people if they are intent on doing so, just … Read more

of reef rash and other things

I have a bad case of reef rash. I would post a picture, but it isn’t pretty. It looks like raw hamburger that has been left in the sun. How did I get it? My shoulder scraped a reef and what would normally be a simple, small scrape, healing in a few days, has become … Read more

black is the new white

Jason Whitlock is a sports writer for the Kansas City Star Telegram, but he was also a prominent fixture on and ESPN televsion for the last five or so years. He speaks often about a variety of topics as they relate to sports, but frequently, race has become a big part of his platform. … Read more

a work in progress

As you can see, this is a new site and a whole new publishing system. I am going to put all the proverbial eggs in one basket so to speak and make one site that holds all the varied activities I enjoy participating in. This obviously is the blog, but also holds my photographs, … Read more