Inherently Different


Frank had an interesting image with an interesting viewpoint on his blog today. I would consider myself unkind if I didn’t offer an opposing viewpoint using the same bumper sticker philosophy. Either can be considered correct depending on which side of the fence you are on… the side with the sheep, or the side with … Read more

bloody well right

[xspf]_start(FALSE, ‘order=13-20’)[/xspf] I am starting to collect a list of my favorite posts. On the menu in the top right of this page is a link to the best of me. Perhaps you remember something I have written that you found funny, interesting, or worth highlighting. Let me know and I will include it. I … Read more

enjoy the silence pt 2

I have nothing to say. I really and truly believed that I would have made more of an effort to post somethingg but I haven’t really cared much. Not that I think anyone reads my drivel consistently, other than the five or six people who are in my link list, but I write as an … Read more

crazy train

If you’ve been blogging for any length of time, you meet a wide variety of characters… people who, for whatever reason, have issues with communication, veracity, and in some instances, reality. I can honestly say that I’ve avoided most instances in which I could be accused of being a stalker, crazy, dishonest, or what have … Read more

waiting for the night

I will, if asked, by you my adoring bloggaratti (ED. NOTE: it means fellow bloggers), burn a custom CD for your listening pleasure… I will fill said CD with the music I think you should listen to as it is often the music I have on in the background as I peruse your website. This … Read more

the golden age

I’ve been blogging for quite some time. I’m not sure if you knew that. Well, actually since before there were any blog tools to speak of… just me coding some html with a few sentences about what I had done through out the course of the day. Then blogger came along. I still have the … Read more

born slippy

There are a lot of dumb fuckers out there in the ether. After my last post I wanted to see what people say about terrorism, islam, christianity, and related topics. A good portion of the blogs that fall on either side of the fence are from people who clearly have little understanding to temper their … Read more

tell her tonight

I posted a comment on a blog I found through the comments on Chai & Apple Pie (if you don’t read Dawn’s blog, you should… funny, enlightening and entertaining) early today and it was removed. The blog is written by a Pakastani woman and the particular post was a response to another commenter who may … Read more

passive manipulation

Limey, who’s leaving us in the care of some random poster while he traipses across the frozen tundra of some slavic nation, is a passive aggressive. I know because I’ve spent my whole life surrounded by passive aggressives. For instance, you can recognize passive aggressives not by what they say, but by what they leave … Read more

boss of me

I don’t think there is a longtime blogger who, at one time or another, hasn’t experienced at least one person who posts a comment that belittles the blogger for their perceptions, beliefs, or understanding. These particular comments are usually on a post that either hits on a topic “too close to home” and makes them … Read more