Inherently Different

The One About Turkey Day

I’m not really a big fan of the whole holiday season thing. I don’t think I’ve ever really enjoyed Christmas or New Years… ever. Not even as a little kid. My favorite holidays are without question the Fourth of July and Halloween. Thanksgiving runs a close third, but the days after this holiday really chap … Read more

The One Where I Evesdrop

Woman #!: Hey! I haven’t seen you since you broke up with Devin! Woman #2: Yeah, well, I’ve been keeping to myself lately. Woman #1 looks down at what Woman #2 is buying which just happens to be a big cucumber and a container of whipped cream. Woman #1: Er, umm… yeah? Well, good for … Read more

The One About Saved… by chemical dependency

Sure you did… You called it years ago. When everyone was talking about the fall of other child stars like Todd Bridges, Adam Rich, Corey Haim, Dana Plato, you had your designs on another, younger, much more vulnerable young star. You said, “You watch, one day Macaulay Culkin will either O.D. or he’ll be arrested … Read more

An Eye for An Eye

UPDATE 010804: Here is some recent data that contradicts many of the ACLU’s claims.

When opponents of the death penalty argue their case, you’ll invariably hear eight reasons why the death penalty should be illegal. These eight “objections” to the death penalty are part of the ACLU’s crusade to abolish the death penalty. Despite the Supreme Court’s 1976 ruling in Gregg v. Georgia in which the court found the death penalty constitutional, the ACLU and others continue to oppose capital punishment on moral, practical, and constitutional grounds. The eight objections are as follows:

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Manbingo: Married to the Blog

I’m 38 and unmarried. Some may opine, not unreasonably, that the fact that I’m not married has more to do with the fact that no woman is willing to put up with my shit. Not completely true.

It is my belief that there are certain paths a man must walk before he walks down the aisle. I like to think of the time before you get married as a game called manbingo (not to be mistaken with mandingo which is a game white women play with rather large black men).

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Help Me, Help You

I’m doing research for an article about internet fraud. If you have a disposable email addy (other than the one I am sending this to) and want to help me with my research, please copy and paste this email addy into your web browswer: and follow the directions of the website. Please use a … Read more

If You Build It…

I’m a jack-ass. Seriously. I’ve spent all day doing nothing more than play with html and php. Not because I’m getting paid to, but because I like it. I haven’t even quit my job grinding diamonds for a major entertainment portal and I’m already falling into my old habits.

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