Inherently Different

Be the Boss

One of the most aggravating things about being a private contractor, or owning your own business, is dealing with clients who tend to put your invoices on ice. Over the last six or seven years, I’ve had to put up with the usual set of excuses and promises clients make about their outstanding invoices. I … Read more

shake your foundations

As you can see from the little link on the left, I am now pimping a new hosting company who is leaps and bounds better than hostonce (again, the name is simply a description of what the normal business relationship this company has with its clients). I previously mentioned how dissatisfied I was with my … Read more

oops, I did it again

I was going to post a video journal, but for some reason, it craps out in the middle… just when I’m explaining how my video would be better than limey’s because I, unlike him, have mastered the English language. I’m trying to work it out so please be patient. On a more successful note, I’ve … Read more

crack the code

When in doubt, do it yourself, I always say. My host won’t participate in my domain mapping scheme. Am I surprised? Not really, since they don’t want to do much of anything that I want to do. I wanted to make sure people who still had my old blog address ( to get here without … Read more

The One Where I Have Fun With Photoshop

Back in 1991 while working for a computer reseller, I learned to use photoshop to edit images. I would take people out, put people in, place objects (computers mostly) into different scenes and occasionally, edit images of the president of the company to see what he would look like bald, fat and old. Needless to … Read more


 I created this cd for the webmaster of who helped me create my photoblog in MT. Aside from being a wiz with MT and related topics, he’s also a pretty damn creative short filmmaker. Check out his site!