Inherently Different

puff puff give

I’m not entirely sure what your stance is. I know that my stance is a little left of left. Which is to say that I wholeheartedly believe that all drugs should be legal. I don’t think any kind of drug that can be either abused or taken recreationally poses a threat to the fabric of … Read more

west coast trip

I’ve finally made definitive plans to be on the mainland in late june early july. I’ll be in San Francisco for my buddy’s wedding, then making my way down to san diego for a week or so with friends and family. I actually have not been back to San Diego for over 6 years. It … Read more

save the planet, kill an activist

I’ve been thinking a lot about the end of civilization. It will happen… someday. Maybe not today, maybe not tomorrow, but someday live as we know it will cease. Notice how I didn’t write “end of the world.” That wasn’t an error. The Earth is a lot more resilient than many of the “save the … Read more

que milagro

Aside from still being in mourning over the loss suffered by my beloved Chargers this past weekend, I am knee deep in trying to get a variety of websites I have been contracted to build into shape. I’m busy, but not so busy that I can’t spend a few hours a day over the next … Read more

gay-tham for statham

Statham’s profile, collectively, is a promise to you, the weary filmgoer. It’s a promise that says, “I promise that you will not FOR ONE SECOND be bored during one of my movies. You won’t learn shit about the human condition, or feel a collective connection with the brotherhood of man. But if you give … Read more

passion without understanding, part II – animal attraction

When the first creatures crawled out of the primordial ooze, it signaled the beginning of a race… more correctly, it was a marathon, but for this article, we’ll call it a race. A race of superiority to some extent, but mostly a race of survival. Through a combination of luck, skill, ingenuity, intelligence, and evolution … Read more

looking for a new drug

Or at least a new wordpress theme. I’m thinking something with a typewriter… you know, for inspiration. I am 1500 words into my novel and need to keep motivated. I figure the average novel has roughly 120,000 words so I have a way to go. I have pretty much given up all my vices. I … Read more

the very best movie evah

I have watched a lot of movies. Even if you only counted the movies I have rented through netflix (I have been a member since june of 2000), you would arrive at a number that boggles the mind (834). Of course, the real number, including films I have watched in theaters and on TV would … Read more

the 10 best movies evah

The previous post must seem hollow with out some way to measure my taste in film. Anyone can say an entire industry is a shitpile of epic proportions, but it takes a true film fanatic to support that claim with a list of celluloid masterpieces everyone should watch at least once (even if it is … Read more

this just in…

I am sitting here in a food induced semi-coma and reading about upcoming movies. I was enjoying the information until the editors snuck in some information about a bollywood movie… or an indian movie… east indian? Fuck who cares. That stuff is shit. Even the worst of American cinema beats the hell out of anything … Read more