Inherently Different

waiting for the night to fall

“Life doesn’t always work out the way we want.” In the big book of truth, that statement should be listed first, followed closely by, “We always hurt the one’s we love.” I am nothing if I am not honest. Truth is the thin, pale wall between what we want and what we need. It is … Read more

who are you

A few links for a sunday morning: Maui Vice I have often sat quietly considering the great creative minds throughout history. If I, as a man who considers himself creative, am to ever reach the heights of both fame and noteriety as a writer of fiction, the I must look to those who have tread … Read more

evil woman

In a surprising turn of events, apparently women’s breasts can have an effect on a man. Who knew? I love science. I used to have a roommate with double D breasts. When I first met her, I did my best to ignore them. Ignoring them was extremely difficult as they usually entered any room two … Read more

you get what you give

I think I remember someone saying something about the ecology of families… or maybe he was just saying that people who have children are ruining the planet. I have written about my thoughts on parents and the reasons people choose to have children before so I won’t revisit that particular hedge row this time out, … Read more

come closer

Unless you have been living under a rock the last year or so, you have to know that Showtime has been catching up to HBO when it comes to interesting and well-done shows. Dexter is the show based on the quietly successful series of books written by Jeff Lindsay featuring a serial killer who hunts … Read more

dirty deeds done dirt cheap

It pains me to think of how normal, rational, careful people suddenly becoming ridiculously abnormal, crazy, and reckless when put in front of a computer with internet access. Jesus cries every time some moron opens an email from someone without taking a brief moment to think about what they are doing. The biggest culprits of … Read more

Football Hero

I am going to start posting my football picks weekly. Should of done it last week and I could have shown you my near flawless picks. My choices are in bold (actual winner marked with an X). 1) Bengals at Browns: Which team wins? Bengals X Browns 2) Bills at Steelers: Which team wins? X … Read more

girls on film

My long neglected photo gallery has a new album… just some random things I see often. I know that I have once again been neglecting both my image gallery as well as this blog, and I wish I had a valid reason, but truth be told, I have been more bored with myself than I … Read more