Inherently Different

The One About Selling Out

Some of you might have noticed the little dancing mini-banner to the right. BlogExplosion is a service that’s sort of like MLM for bloggers. During a recent visit, Gigglechick turned me onto them and am still a bit cautious. See, the traffic is mostly of the casual, disinterested variety. Essentially, blogexplosion members are required to … Read more

The One About Debatable Choices

Anyone who thinks voting for Kerry will mean that the US will withdraw from Iraq or prevent the US from jumping into more conflicts in the middle east is a moron. If you choose to vote for Kerry, vote for Kerry because his ideals mirror your own. We’ll be in Iraq for quite some time, … Read more

The One Where I Defeat Comment Spammers

I’m sure anyone who uses MT as their publishing system eventually gets spam bombed. Today, it happened to me. Of course, I’m not one to panic. No. I just get even. I did something nasty to the offending site (FBI be damned!) and hopefully it won’t happen again. In order to ensure that I am … Read more

The One About 100 Things

Listen to music while reading this post?

UPDATE: You really should check out MonkeyMusic… I’ve made some revisions to the code as well as cleaning up the Flash files to improve performance. Click it, check it & love it!

There are tons of people who have one of those revealing “100 Things About Me” posts. I had one in previous incarnations of this site. For the most part, they’re interesting until the person developing them gives up and starts making shit up. I began thinking that it would be better if I just developed a post detailing 100 Things About My Readers based on comments, links, referring URLs, and random stats I’ve culled from the 10,000 K visits this blog has generated over the last 5 years. So here are some initial thoughts on… 100 Things About My Readers:

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The One Where I Speak of God

Do you believe in God? The Almighty? Do you consider yourself a Christian? Perhaps Catholic? Do you lie? Cheat? Steal? Sleep with whomever catches your eye in your favorite tavern? Do you look upon others who are of different color, race, ethnicity, sexuality, or religion with disdain? I ask these things because after an email … Read more

The One Where I Visit The Iao Needle

A few days ago, the Red Queen and I went in search of cars, but ended up in the Iao Valley sightseeing. What’s in the Iao Valley you might ask? Historically speaking, the Iao Valley is important to Maui because that is where they traditionally buried their chiefs. It is also the location of the … Read more

Wolves Eat Sheep

There are two kinds of people in this world. There are sheep, which is to say that there are people out there that just follow the given pattern of life or situation. They do what they are told and rarely if ever question the situations presented to them. Then there are wolves. They don’t follow … Read more

The One Where You Play Music

Ever listen to the Digital Underground? I know, old school hip hop doesn’t seem like my bag, but it actually is. Modern rap music just plain sucks, but the old stuff? That plain rocks the house… party. Er, anyway, where ways I? Oh, yeah, the Digital Underground. Aside from being the only rap group willing … Read more

The One Where I Have Fun With Photoshop

Back in 1991 while working for a computer reseller, I learned to use photoshop to edit images. I would take people out, put people in, place objects (computers mostly) into different scenes and occasionally, edit images of the president of the company to see what he would look like bald, fat and old. Needless to … Read more