Inherently Different

The One About Procrastination

Leah, from A Girl & A Boy fame, wrote about it recently, but for me, procrastination comes in many forms… the least of which is reading. See, I have shit to write… tons of it, daily. And yet, I procrastinate by reading… only I’m not reading some hip new novel but… screenplays. Just this week … Read more

The One About Digital Pictures

Well, the Red Queen and I are nearing the six month mark of living in paradise. The road we took to life on Maui was relatively painless… which is to say that our belongings got here safely and quickly. The most notable thing about our move would be that we did what most people dream … Read more

The One About Hypocrisy

Ever listen to someone give advice and all the while you’re wondering what exactly gives them the right to do so? I’m talking about someone who gives advice about relationships, yet has never been in a healthy one. Or someone who gives financial advice, but always seems to be broke? Or worse yet, someone who … Read more

The One Where I Tell You What I Am Not

I believe there should be a separation between church and state, which is the reason why I’m not a bible waving republican. I believe killing is warranted by various acts of aggression, which is why I am not a pacifist. I believe that rationale should come before emotion, which is why I’m not an environmentalist. … Read more

The One Where I Admit to Drug Abuse

As I mentioned on snazzykat’s blog, an idle mind is the devil’s workshop. Throw in the fact that I’m still relatively under the influence of a heroin* binge, and what happened this morning might make more sense. I was sitting on the couch as the Red Queen was getting ready for work trying to keep … Read more

Wolves Eat Sheep

There are two kinds of people in this world. There are sheep, which is to say that there are people out there that just follow the given pattern of life or situation. They do what they are told and rarely if ever question the situations presented to them. Then there are wolves. They don’t follow … Read more


I believe in a few socially irresponsible ideas. It has, on occasion, gotten me into trouble with a few of my more liberal, tree-hugging friends. 1. I believe Greenpeace is a terrorist organization. 2. I believe that recycling is bad for the environment. 3. I believe that most weekend-environmentalists are inherently stupid. 4. I believe … Read more

East to West

I also created a blog for my buddy Greg and I to tagteam post on. It’s called East to West and it’s really just a platform for us to continue arguing about all the things we disagree on, which is to say, everything. Greg lives in Japan now and I miss his dry wit and … Read more

If You Build It…

I’m a jack-ass. Seriously. I’ve spent all day doing nothing more than play with html and php. Not because I’m getting paid to, but because I like it. I haven’t even quit my job grinding diamonds for a major entertainment portal and I’m already falling into my old habits.

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buffalo girls on the outside

I like to consider myself rather well versed in aesthetics. What I mean to say is that I understand the intricacies of fashion, you know… what looks good and what doesn’t. Never mind that my favorite ensemble is blue jeans, doc marten boots and a t-shirt. Just like I don’t need a working clue to … Read more