100 Things You Should Know About Me…
100. English is my second language.
99. My favorite actor is Bruce Willis.
98. I started this site out of boredom.
97. According to the Weschler IQ scale, my IQ is 126.
96. I spent time in a Mexican prison. Seriously.
95. I wanted to be a lawyer when I was younger.
94. My favorite color is blue.
93. In highschool I blew up the central fountain with two M-80s, a bottle of amonia, mothballs, wax paper and a led pipe.
92. I am a professional writer. Don’t try this at home.
91. I’m preferred by 4 out of 5 dentists that chew gum.
90. I’m currently writing a novel, a screenplay, and a list of all the different types of lint I have found in my belly button.
89. Nine Inch Nails is my favorite band of all-time.
88. I believe organized religion is the most dangerous thing on Earth.
87. I believe violent criminals should be executed immediately after being convicted.
86. My mother went to work one morning when I was thirteen and never came home.
85. My father’s opinion is one of two that matters to me.
84. Mine is the only other one.
83. I am doing exactly what I thought I’d be doing when I was ten.
82. I don’t like to drive.
81. Consequently, I don’t own a car.
80. Regret is the worse feeling in the world.
79. I had a Rottweiler named Stoneyhill Briar Ben Cobalt Blue. He died in 2002 of complications from a Lyme Disease Vaccination.
78. The happiest I have ever been professionally was May of 2001.
77. I got more hits from a post showing a topless girl (2008) than from a post revealing insider secrets of the dotbombing of shockwave.com
76. I don’t feel pain the way most people do.