Inherently Different

The One About A Million Dollars

Let’s live for a moment in the world of fantasy and say I won a huge jackpot… $300 million or so. Know what I would do with the money left over after paying taxes, bills and whatnot? Glad you asked… here’s what I’d do. I’d go on a life mission to grant people’s wishes. I’m … Read more

The One About Characters

Another day, another list… While watching To Kill A Mockingbird with the Red Queen tonight, I began thinking about the character names I believe are the BEST in all of literature. Here they are: 5. Boo Radley & Atticus Finch: To Kill A Mockingbird is a great book, a fine film and possesses many great … Read more

The One About Books I’ve Read This Year

In no particular order: 1. Everything is Eventual – Stephen King 2. The Teeth of the Tiger – Tom Clancy 3. The Five People You Meet in Heaven – Mitch Albom 4. On Writing – Stephen King 5. The Davinci Code – Dan Brown 6. Love & Death – Max Wallace & Ian Halperin 7. … Read more

The One About Justice

Now that a jury of peers has found Scott Peterson guilty of murdering his wife and unborn child and agreed that the death penalty is warranted, the appeal process will prevent justice from being served for at least 10 years. If you ask me, being on death row for that long is more cruel and … Read more

The One About The Monkey Diarist

100 Things You Should Know About Me…

100. English is my second language.

99. My favorite actor is Bruce Willis.

98. I started this site out of boredom.

97. According to the Weschler IQ scale, my IQ is 126.

96. I spent time in a Mexican prison. Seriously.

95. I wanted to be a lawyer when I was younger.

94. My favorite color is blue.

93. In highschool I blew up the central fountain with two M-80s, a bottle of amonia, mothballs, wax paper and a led pipe.

92. I am a professional writer. Don’t try this at home.

91. I’m preferred by 4 out of 5 dentists that chew gum.

90. I’m currently writing a novel, a screenplay, and a list of all the different types of lint I have found in my belly button.

89. Nine Inch Nails is my favorite band of all-time.

88. I believe organized religion is the most dangerous thing on Earth.

87. I believe violent criminals should be executed immediately after being convicted.

86. My mother went to work one morning when I was thirteen and never came home.

85. My father’s opinion is one of two that matters to me.

84. Mine is the only other one.

83. I am doing exactly what I thought I’d be doing when I was ten.

82. I don’t like to drive.

81. Consequently, I don’t own a car.

80. Regret is the worse feeling in the world.

79. I had a Rottweiler named Stoneyhill Briar Ben Cobalt Blue. He died in 2002 of complications from a Lyme Disease Vaccination.

78. The happiest I have ever been professionally was May of 2001.

77. I got more hits from a post showing a topless girl (2008) than from a post revealing insider secrets of the dotbombing of

76. I don’t feel pain the way most people do.

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The One About Awards

I write mainly for myself and while I enjoy the comments I receive and the links back to my site from other blogs, I don’t really mind if the world at large ever stumbles across my blog. Aside from having some relatively unpopular views on just about every topic imaginable, I’m also saddled with a … Read more

The One About Delusions of Grandeur

I just ended up on a blog written by a woman who considers herself a princess. I realized that I’ve landed on a number of blogs in the past year or so that claim to be written by self-entitled “princesses” (what’s the plural of a princess? princei?). I did a search… somewhere in the vicinity … Read more

The One About the 5 Worst Remakes of All-time

Another day, another list. Lazy? You’d be surprised how much work goes into one of these lists. Without further adieu: 5. Vanilla Sky Cameron Crowe’s nightmare comes true… he turns a good Spanish movie, Abre Los Ojos, into a mediocre American one. 4. Mighty Joe Young: Not even the beautiful and talented Charlize Theron can … Read more

The One About Being Mean

I am not a mean person. I know this and have known this for as long as I can remember. I am aware that many people, my friends for instance, have heard the tales, whispered in hushed tones, about the things I’ve done and said to people and they tell me that I am mean. … Read more

The One About Records

“I’ve never really bought into records,” Favre said last week. “Maybe when I was young, the opportunity to either break an idol’s records or a big-time player’s records had some meaning to it. But as I’ve gotten older, I’ve come to realize that the only reason they keep track of records is so someone else … Read more