Inherently Different

the collector

It’s time for another round of “what do you want to see?” Submit your requests for images of just about anything… I’ll post the pictures here for everyone to see. Update: Forgetting that my readership consists mainly of smart-asses, I should have prefaced the aforementioned call for image requests with the disclaimer that the images … Read more

how to be dead

I posted a comment on another blog recently and it drove a few people to visit me here. Now, I usually post comments using an email address that I created specifically for such instances. Not because I’m afraid of getting spam, but because the Internet never forgets. I still can google comments that I made … Read more

the line begins to blur

I’ve begun to censor myself. I don’t know when it began, but I know that I’ve done it to a certain extent. Some of you may be thinking, “er, no… he says some pretty fucked up shit, so he can’t possibly be censoring himself!” Well, it is true, and well… I’m not going to to … Read more

who am I?

I don’t hold anything sacred. Seriously. Nothing immediately comes to mind that I’d get offended by. Everyone has opinions and even if those opinions differ greatly from what I believe, I won’t think less of you or get angry at you because you disagree with my position. I can have a heated discussion/argument about religion, … Read more

wille brown blues

“I’m built for comfort, I’m built for speed, got everything a good girl needs!” Those are the lyrics to a modern blues song written by Ry Cooder and performed by Joe Seneca for the movie Crossroads. I’m a fan of The Blues in case you didn’t know. I like The Blues for many reasons, but … Read more

all these things i’ve done

I tend to get burned out on occasion. This last week being one of those times. It isn’t that I didn’t have things to write about: a broken finger, a run-in with a friend with whom I no longer speak, the new pope, tree-huggers writing me about my previous post. A few weeks ago, I … Read more

the streets is watching

The lives of other people fascinate me. I mean, really, that’s why I read as many blogs as I do. If you’re coming here, chances are you’re just as voyeuristic as I am. I’m of the belief that the main reason blogs have become so popular is the cavernous need, arguably perverted, to live for … Read more

red hill mining town

Hey! I’m an honorary redhead… I wish I had the mop to do it justice, but nonetheless, I’ll wear my new designation with pride. If you’re here from Resplendently Pedestrian, welcome. I’ll answer ResPed’s questions to celebrate my new status… here goes nothing. 1. Did your mother and father raise you? Not exactly, but don’t … Read more

crack the code

When in doubt, do it yourself, I always say. My host won’t participate in my domain mapping scheme. Am I surprised? Not really, since they don’t want to do much of anything that I want to do. I wanted to make sure people who still had my old blog address ( to get here without … Read more

better off without a wife

I’m up way too late and this is the reason why. See what happens when random strangers post comments on my blog? I dig in deep trying to figure out what they’re all about by reading their archived posts. This particular chap has not only a gift for storytelling, but has the stories to tell. … Read more